Happy 420 post to me! To celebrate, I wanna hear your craziest 420 story ever! best story gets a free product/endo of their choice from the locker room I'll go first. I was toking with my bro one night and we ran out at about an 8, so we decided to make a trip to his guy. When we got to his place, there was a sheriff sitting in the parking lot of the apartment. "I don't think this is a good idea" I said to him, but he went in anyways (I opted to stay in the car) as he was in the house, 2 more sheriffs pulled up! As my brother left the guys apartment, 2 of the 3 sheriffs got out of their car and walked RIGHT PAST my brother and went to the dealers house. "Dude, lets get the hell out of here" I said and we started to leave. being an 8, I backed into someones car and set off the alarm right in front of the 3rd sheriff! being an 8, i drove off praying he didn't notice the alarm going off right in front of him. He got into his car and followed right behind us, tailgating us the entire time. Turns out our guy got busted and the 3rd cop was just going home or something he didn't even pull us over for hitting a parked car! Scariest night of my life!
I'd have an awesome story had I not imbibed so much Mary Jane that I've long forgotten them. I'll keep trying to remember them... @infinity: I just noticed your sig, and subsequently lol'd IRL
Thanks, I'm still working on the wording. Can't come up with a reasonable way to fit a negative into the first sentence.