According to the blog Uncle Tullys Funland is the next DLC for the PC In theory this could be the next map to come to the 360. Looks pretty cool kind of like a 2fort type of map maybe.
All the new stuff for PC gave me a sad... Like every time. But when big update hits 360, IG ARE HAPPY!
Waitwaitwait, why nerf Armor on Support? Yes he's technically not a heavy class, but with Passive 3 he's got more health than any other non-heavy class. I don't mind the whole "give light classes extra health by default" thing for new players, but I'm curious to know how the default endorsements are changed for them.
I'm pretty sure Uber said we would be paying for all future dlc and I, for one, am ok with that. Anything's better than the way Valve hung us TF2ers out to dry.
Yep. Spunky was our one free DLC. Microsoft won't allow for another. Also, the whole Valve/TF2 360 thing...What Valve wanted to do on the 360 couldn't really be done to the best of my knowledge. It got to the point where the RAM requirements were too high for all the content and the whole not-being-free and no-more-achievements things...Valve wouldn't settle for that. So they dropped it and moved on. Onto giving TF2 360 an update designed to kill it :roll: