Possible Bug: All orbital untils selectable from a different planet

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by codylc, September 28, 2013.

  1. codylc

    codylc New Member

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    Hey guys!

    Just wanted to report what I assume is a bug in the unit selection system. I have a system I built with 3 planets and 4 moons. I was fooling around against an AI team, exploring the unit system and learning about orbital units when I found that if you move an orbital unit to another planet and click and drag to select that unit, instead of the selection system only selecting the orbital units on that planet, it will also select orbital units on planets behind it.

    This is a bit easier to understand when it's written out, so here are some repro steps:
    1. Start a game with 2 planets
    2. Pump out some orbital units
    3. Take one orbital unit and move it to the second planet. Keep the other orbital units on the first planet.
    4. Once the unit arrives on the planet, zoom into that planet so you're looking at the surface
    5. With the first planet orbiting directly behind the second planet, click and drag to select a large portion of the second planet.

    Expected Results: Only the single orbital unit on the second planet is selected.
    Actual Results: All orbital units on both planets are selected.

    Example screenshot of the 5th step:
    Apparently I can't upload screenshots yet...

    Notice in the bottom-left corner how it shows several orbital units selected, despite this planet only containing 1 orbital unit.

    Let me know if I need to upload a screen recording of this. Thanks in advance!
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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  3. codylc

    codylc New Member

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    Thank you! Didn't realize this existed...

  4. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Glad I could be of help!

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