Pre-loaded it several days ago, played through the co-op campaign with a friend yesterday and it was glorious. Seeing four turrets bounce around while shooting and screaming will forever be burned into my mind. Also my friend ripping my face off while turrets shoot at me. Haven't touched singleplayer but will do that today. Edit: There are hats in Portal 2! And gestures, and misc. things like a goddamn adorable pink flag for your robot, and a store to buy things in (wasn't open yesterday though)! It's awesome. Everybody who bought the Potato Sack got a cute potato hat too.
Played through some of the single player last night. So good! Also played the first part of the co-op. Looks like it's going to be loads of fun. *highfive*
Can't wait to see how it ends, Hopefully they have another song and hopefully you and the companion cube will be reunited again! and cake
IIRC in the ending credits of the co-op campaign I saw two songs by Jonathan Coulton so there are song (think I saw 5-6 total).
I beat the singleplayer. It was awesome. I can honestly say half of the things in that game I did NOT see coming. The only thing I predicted accurately was *kicked in balls for almost spoilering* I have no one to play co-op with. :cry: And I'm kind of upset about the store. Why would you spend real money for items that only one other person will ever see? I can sort of understand it in TF2. But Portal? What I want out of the mod community for this game. Surf maps. Imagine a portal surf map. Throw in the acceleration gel, repulsion jumps, and faith plates? SO MUCH WANT.
They're planning on releasing mod tools. From the steam page: The store is "meh". I wouldn't mind a skin but to be honest I probably won't get anything. I got a hat from TF2 come over and a pink flag from achievements (so far. I haven't finished yet so I don't know what there is to get) and I'm happy enough with that. So far I'm enjoying the game immensely. :mrgreen:
Finished the single-player at about 2 in the morning last night. Probably one of the greatest single player games that I have ever played. I loved every second of it. Anyways, I played some co-op with a random matchmaking partner last night and it was a ton of fun, even if my mic wasn't working.... If anyone wants to partner up and play some co-op, I'm definitely down for it. PM me on here, or Xbox Live.
I am not smart enough to beat the game apparently >_>.... It's probably something really simple that i'm missing Did anyone else get stuck in the room with 3 lazers and two of those glass cubes? just so i feel better about my self? in chapter 4
I promised my friend that i would only play co op with him, Though he was stupid and didn't preorder the game... so not to sure
I didn't. Was quite easy once you knew which laser had to have the portal. After that it was just positioning. In co-op me and my friend where stuck for quite some time (~10 minutes) in chamber 5 where you had to use the blue gel to jump across some platforms. Mainly because we had no idea how the gel exactly works and how you can use it (i.e. you can put it in the beams to transport it or on the bridges to walljump). Wish the game would have explained that part a little bit better.