Population down.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by ZoZo, April 11, 2011.

  1. ZoZo

    ZoZo New Member

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    Servers all over empty. Bots with broken pathing every map. Gunners output still OP'd as all get out. LB's worthless as ever. Tank charges that fail to go anywhere 1/2 the time when moving through the air. Firebases that can ignore hit registration to targets at random, rendering them invulnerable to specific players experiencing the glitch. Admin's that troll when these issues are put up on the forum.


    I like this game, just unfortunate that these issues persist, and you get yelled at for constructively criticizing them.
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Are these the only threads you make? Also I don't see anything constructive about your post.
  3. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    ZoZo, just stop making threads and/or playing the game.
  4. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Gunners are not overpowered, dude.
  5. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    He's definitely right about very few people playing though.

    I'd really like to see MNC adapt into a F2P model.
  6. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    You mean that freemium model where it's free to play and extra stuff costs money?
  7. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    Gunners OP, LOL!
  8. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Not yelling, but in order, plenty of playable servers available (sorry not as many as stupid-Ops), at least you can push bots back in the path, gunners have absolutely no variation of skills and are only simply good at sponging damage while killing close-range, lazorblazors are cheap so dont buy them until they get buffed and cost more, tank charges always have appropriate velocity in air but if your flying out of map its usually not enough, firebases usually reliably hit all targets if not preoccupied with a different target, and the admins don't always troll them but also dislike them being posted 20 times repetitively (please use one thread for one topic, and only one).

    Aside from all this, there are very few glitches actually, and plenty of free content. You could still be playing broken black-ops or legend of zelda :lol:
  9. Kel

    Kel New Member

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    Plenty of free content? Do we play different games?
    I see 5 Maps and that's it. Did I missed any content updates? Please, tell me :geek:.

    And there are a few glitches, which are very annoying.
  10. amandis

    amandis New Member

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    :lol: [​IMG]
  11. PKC

    PKC New Member

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    the entire game was almost free.
  12. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    Free content: All the gear that's come out? The assassin didn't pop down to the store and buy that cardboard tube samurai outfit herself... Uber had to make that. And they're working on more content as we speak (something about a new map, a new game mode and a new character???).
    For 10 (approx $15) I think there's a fair amount of content here with more on the way.

    Glitches: haven't noticed any other than the air grapples which they patched.

    Gunners: don't walk in front of them. Otherwise they're easy to turn into swiss cheese.

    Servers: Try join a few more MNC steam groups. I get plenty servers.

    TL;DR ? Less QQ more bot killing! :D
  13. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Again, best 15 dollars I ever spent.
  14. DelBoy

    DelBoy New Member

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    Compared to other shooter titles, this game's a downright bargain.

    The population is definitely dwindling, but that still doesn't stop me from finding populated servers to play which don't have ridiculously high pings (for me, that's 500+ :lol: ).

    Sometimes, it's not the quantity of the players that matter, but rather the quality of them. Uber definitely needs more support though!
  15. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    People come and play this game for $15, cry it isn't fun, and go play Black Ops, which is 4x more expensive (because you are paying for 4x more glitches and bad players, simple economics), and cry at that but continue playing it because everyone else is playing it.

    This, I believe, is the problem, and I forsee it going away over time on it's own. I am sure this will have a hit sequel with even more players than before. Call of Duty only had a fraction of gamers playing it once upon a time too.
  16. daztora

    daztora New Member

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    I agree with the price thing, 10 for one of the most fun co op games me and my friends have played last on being back when Killing Floor first came out. For such a small development team this game is by far better then most 'small' games. And In my eyes better than TF2 (Now, not when it came out before hats took over)

    More maps would be nice maybe a differant game mode obviously still keeping up with the bot ting, that's the whole point, but again for 10 they can take as long as they damn well like :p
  17. Kel

    Kel New Member

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    Well, I like the new assasin outfit, but that's no "content" for me. It's the same game with the same maps, with or without the new outfits. And it's getting more and more boring with that, I stopped playing until there will be more real content.

    And what's with the new map? People could play it on PAX, but it's still not there???
    And the codes for outfits, only available for PAX visitors. Hey, thanks for supporting your european fans, developers :roll:.
  18. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    Do you want a well tested map with properly stressed bot lanes or a beta map? If you want a rushed beta map then I'm sure they have that already. I'd rather see them polish up what they're doing and give us something awesome (and attract a bunch more players at the same time).

    MNC maps are not as straight forward as a normal shooter map. The bot pathing alone is a real pain to do.

    PAX outfits: it was a skin for a single outfit (battle damaged cardboard tube samurai) and they may still bring it to a european audience... who knows, maybe Uber will visit a Euro gaming festival? One can hope :p
  19. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Small team, selling you a nice game for $15, and at least it probably is as playable if not moreso than Black Ops, made by 100+ people for $60...

    ...and the gear, it probably will be unlocked for all, either in 2 updates, or maybe a year. I am sure they aren't just making you high and dry but are just letting the PAX attendees have it first.

    I am sure it isn't nearly as unplayable and bad and upsetting as everyone lets on. Mostly, I play xbox360 version, with my tournament team, and we haven't seen 1/2 the content you guys have. We still play with quite a bit of fun. Need something to do, go sumo using a gunner with speed/armor/skill build, and NEVER change from a mortar and upgrade slam and grapple first.
  20. Solipcyst

    Solipcyst New Member

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    First of all, just because this is a shooter game (not even first person), I really don't think it should be compared to CoD at all. Extremely different games. Even different genres. (I am not a fan of CoD, btw.)

    Anyway, I loved this game when it first came out, but I've since found myself playing other things. I pop back in here every once and a while to see if anything significantly new has come around - much like right now. I also occasionally pop in the game to mess around for a round or two, and I also see that I'm not the only one playing the game less (i.e. significant population decline).

    I would venture to guess that most people active on these forums are the dedicated players keeping this game alive. So, as an "outsider", here's my point of view:

    While this game and everything that came with it without the promise of anything more was a perfect fit for the price, that includes the shelf-life it had for me. I wouldn't continue to play this game if it had more people playing it. It just isn't fresh enough anymore. It will remain fun for what it is and fun as a very occasional pick-up-and-play title, but without more content it will stay right where it is now if not dwindle more.

    And that's fine. I think Uber has hit the ground running with this title and shown everyone that we can expect good things to come from them in the future.

    Game on.

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