Since there is lots of discussion about repair I thought it would be easier for Neutrino to see opinions easily in a quantified measure. You can use up to 5 options and you are able to change your opinion if you are convinced that you were wrong about your choice (which I think is important in a discussion) and there is no deadline for the Poll. I will explain each choice here in more detail but if somebody misunderstands please notify it. --------- ---edit cancelled this option Yes, all units and structure fast auto repair. In % of unit HPs so it does not matter how much HPs a unit has it is repaired equally fast, starts after certain time of no damage it is true that this is vital for figuring results out of a poll, I did not include it cause I think that UEBER has better statistical data tools than provided here so, after all ultramarine disagrees and so I provide that too, knowingly that I reset the poll, I will not make changes now anymore. ------- I voted (please click this if you vote) Number of people who voted Yes, all units and structures slow auto repair Fixed rate of repair units with lots of HPs take longer but rate can be different in every unit and structure (like in SC:FA) Yes, but only units auto repair Only units repair itself (probably POLL of how it works later) Yes, but only structures auto repair Only structures repair itself (probably POLL of how it works later) Cheaper cost for repair Repair is for free or is much less than real cost of unit or structure Equally cost for auto repair You can build a new one and double fire power instead of repairing it. No auto repair (only manually with engineer) Units and structures have to be repaired manually, costs are equal to build a new one. Make Shields instead of repair Units should be protected somehow so i would rather like shields to do the job Patrol repair for engineers Engineers repair every building or unit in path or if clicked on explictly Repair Towers with repair drones Drones are finite and can be handled manually (I fixed it that they can only repair and do nothing else and that that they cannot go outside there area, but they cannot repair simultaneously all damaged things) I hope I have included most options (all is simply impossible). If something important is missing notify it, ---edit after adding the two last options I have no options left, so if it is really important for you please add another Poll making an option for answer is in this poll or something like that cause it is really complicated. And for all who are just whining -> do it better. I am really interested in the results
I would prefer to use repair towers to maintain my base's and let my engineers repair my army if at all. Why is there no option for that as I can't be the only one?
Where's the option for "Commander only" or "lathe only?" And really, the concept of self-healing and engineer repair are quite different things. This poll mashes it all together in a confusing and vague way.
I think only the spammy units and structures should have auto repair, since repairing them might be a bit inconvenient than just let them die and build some new ones.
I agree. But i would like them to add a function to tell patrolling engineers to only repair or simular (So that they dont stop and help unit construction unless i want them too).
It depends on the number of engineers we are going to be using, if engineers are better at their jobs and cost more then we might not have as many to use for simple patrol duty's. Like in TA ground based Engineers are bulky and so its hard to assist with them, and air engineers are much worse at the job due to being planes.
Damnit, why do you people make multiple choice polls without an "I voted" option. This poll is now completely useless since the devs cannot see how many people actually voted, and thus can not make out whether the majority voted yes (but different yes options) or voted no.
agreed, another bad poll. On the subject I can see where some people are going with on the auto-repair concept since this is essentially a micro reduction feature. And I am generally for anything that reduces micro because I'm concerned that this game could get quite daunting without building it from the ground up to be micro light. You'll still end up being plenty busy managing multiple planets. Here's some more thoughts on the subject. Auto-Repair is fine. It should have a resources cost (metal/energy). Shields might be nice, but maybe not on all units. Repairing shields should only cost energy or be included under the units own power. Other faster non-automated repair options might be nice to see. And of course, balance. No repairs should be too fast or powerful. There should be no possibility of repair tanking.