Doing this for the sake of the game. Please only one vote for Keybindings and one for which hand you use for what:
gridkeys as known from starcraft are the easiest way to make learning keys quick. I would not mind to have fa-modded hotbuild-style keys with multiple buildings on one key either, so you cycle through them with multiple presses. But please let there be good hotkeys, SupCom's standard-buildmode was terrible.
+1 to hotbuild mod style, it's really the best build system I've ever seen Zero-K's system seems solid too
I use WASD to move camera around and have the most frequently used hotkeys next to them. In Spring I use ctrl, shift, alt and space as modifiers to bind additional commands to the same key. And yes you can use all combinations of modifiers as well to bind additional actions to the same key. In the Spring engine if you have several commands bound to the same keycombo the hotkeys will be tried in Succession and see if it fits. If several actions apply for the units selected the first keybinding in the keybinding file will be used. If you hit the same hotkey several times it will cycle through the list so you could have energy generator and energy storage bound to the same key for example and if you press once you get the energy generator and if you press the hotkey twice you get the energy storage.
I'm a fan of TA's original keybinding system, with ZK following close behind. Scrolling camera isn't as important to me with strategic zoom available (I never really scrolled in Supcom), but really, everything should be customizable. (With maybe 2-3 preset keybind profiles to allow players to experiment if they are undecided.)