Felt like making this because I just changed mine with an Oblivion screenshot. I'll take a better one sometime but I was like oh cool. I know everyone loves to post theirs so lets see if we can get some good ones with porn folders! Also my "u" folder is a proxy called ultrasurf that I put on my flashdrive for school, not a porn folder.
Because im classy and icons mess up the wall paper, F5in you playing dota 2 when its coming out? HoN is alot more like that than LoL
I have a code written for Windows Dreamscape so that my background plays videos on my Computer I've put on a list, so posting a picture wouldn't make much sense. The videos are MNC promos and some machinima.
http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/ ... 4288zh.png My old HD broke so I don't have the 4000 images it used to shuffle through.