Can that "you can't change classes" thing be removed? I know I don't really play PM's that much (or at all), but I was really annoyed when I accidentally chose the default assassin and couldn't change back. :|
To be honest, playing the default 'sin was actually kind of fun. You really have to change your tactics and adapt to the situation.
We put the settings to one of each class, because if you don't the new players will double up or even triple up on classes that aren't needed. Hell, even the veterans will do it just to troll, if given the option. Just got to be careful when picking classes. We've all done it on accident before, but there's really no other option.
I thought you could still change to a different build of the same class, just not to a different class.
Pretty much what kckzi said. We really can't trust people enough to not **** things up. There were a few others, but rustclan is pretty notable for picking assault despite us already having one, and never picking anything else. Lots of times important classes are left out and people won't budge on giving up a class. When juice buying and multiple classes were on, teams were often picked by classes and not skill. Granted certain players would usually get pocked right away, but it was important to get at least one good bot pusher over the average slayer. I would like to see some games played with multiple classes, although I don't think some vets will like the idea since it will most likely take out a gunner and add an extra assault. Some combos would be interesting to try though.
Assault Tank Tank Gunner Support Sniper Assault Gunner Gunner Assassin Tank Sniper Assault Assault Assault Tank Sniper Assassin
Assault Assault Assault Assault Assault Assault I honestly think this would work. What are the Gunners going to do when there are ~4 bombs thrown at them? Hold out till overtime or just slay everyone and have bombs on each spawn door.
2 gunners with no support wouldn't be a plus in my eyes.. 6 assaults vs 3 gunners and 3 supports? I think if those gunners were wildman gunked and miracle it would be interesting to see if the gunners raw slaying power could handle 6 assaults. For competitive purposes, I think Assault Sniper Sniper Gunner Support and a bot pusher would work. double tanks would add some more fire power and a lot more defense, but requires slow and heavy pushing rather than sneaking in bots.
When I host I leave class changing on for just that reason. Takes some coordination to swap a position, but it can be done.
Bomb spamming is OP and so is the amount of slaying power, but assaults do suck at taking out firebases and the teamhealing can get a gunner back to overhealed in no time. Assaults will have to fly in and out since I don't think they'll be able to hold their own until you get a couple players down. When assaults get spawn trapped though they really can't force their way out, even with bombs. As long as assaults coordinate it should be fine.
I doubt that the assaults would get spawn trapped. All they have to do is stick together and start farming off the supports. The only thing they'll have to do is hold out till overtime. Gunner team would have worse bot pushing imo. 2 assaults could easily take care of the bots whilst the remaining four hunt one Gunner at a time. Zerg rushing would be pretty hard for the Gunners to counter.
The support and gunner team would win. Firebases are too much against assaults plus assaults suck at killing base turrets, a hacked 3.3 would never go down. Only chance is overtime and even then supports destroy the ball plus gunners juice in OT is very underrated.
Assaults would absolutely rape the supports and then just constantly throw bombs at the gunners. They can easily tap their health when they get low and can just bait and switch. If one assault juices It's game over. They can easily kill the three Gunners and the other assaults can just sit on spawn ring. When overtime hits, 1 or 2 bombs stops the juiced supports from getting too close to the ball. It takes 10 bombs to destroy a moneyball right? Throw bomb + Juice grenade launcher = insta win for the other 4 assaults.
On the assaults/gunners thing- I think the gunner team stands a better chance as long as they aren't bad. Most likely the game would go to OT and as Chron said, supports and gunners smack in OT. Also, gunners kind of outgun assaults, especially with leashes. Plus, firebases. On multiple classes in competitive play- Assault, Assassin, Sniper, Sniper, Support, Gunner Assault, Assault, Assassin, Sniper, Support, Gunner I think only those would be viable and with top tier players, only the dual sniper would work. And the reason we have the 1 per class thing is so randies don't triple up on assault and assassin and make the game silly.