Pledged/donated with paypall but my bank is slower

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by sturm532, September 27, 2012.

  1. sturm532

    sturm532 Member

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    He hi all

    if got a question, just two two days ago i created a paypal account wich i confirmed and used to pledge 135 usd today to uber via the donations button ( the only way to make your own amount ?)

    now i believe i get the rewards but i got a message saying that my bank needs atleast 4 days to make the transaction happen.

    so my question is do i get what i want does paypal pay or vouch for me or am i to late do to the misfortune i have with my bank?

    i don't know how paypal works

    CHeers :?
  2. elexis

    elexis Member

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    See here.

    In short: Paypal will pay immediately, then fetch from your account in the 3-4 days.
  3. sturm532

    sturm532 Member

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    thanks for the quick reply kinda stupid of me but my memory isn't that good al the time

    Cheerio and see you in the backerforums

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