Please spend on turrets

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by AARPS, November 4, 2010.

  1. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Please? I typically play support and lately I've been trying to play more defensively. I'm down to get hack 3 quickly and spend some time healing/building/generally defending. I'm down to place the initial turrets and spend most of my loot on them.

    But you should spend some too. I always hear cats talk about their extra money and 'I must be supposed to juice chain, I have so much $$!' Why not spend that building our defenses? Just upgrade a single turret as you leave base each time you're there. Gimme something to work with 'cause as it stands I'm not going to make a ton of loot defending your base. Don't be a douche, contribute.

    Thank you.
  2. Organous

    Organous Member

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    The thing is there's far more motivation to just be a big threat. It's a rather simple matter to hit turrets, and the more people head back to base, the easier it is to get locked in there permanently.
  3. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    I'm good with once you're out, stay out. But I play often and watch people run by after a spawn and just ignore the defenses. If everyone chipped in it wouldn't be as tough to get out of the base once pinned. I've shifted plenty of games by buying the right turret at the right time. Plus I'm 90% of the time running gold ROF so I can keep a TON of stuff alive.

    I'm sure it'll change a bit with the update, I'm just sayin'.
  4. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    Although I'm guilty of juice chains, I enjoy a good base buildup. The only thing is, most people will say they have a lot of money, but not really. Building up a heavy base takes a lot of money, just upgrading one of the already built turrets all the way costs 1200. Personally I enjoy it though, it's fun when you get a round the horn because you get a triple then some stupid kid gets rocket turreted.
  5. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    I like to spend most of my money on turrets, but still hardly ever upgrade anything but a LB.

    It's just pointless when one person can destroy the whole base by juicing through or someone can hook their head around the corner and take half of the base out.
  6. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Why build an turret while you can buy juice and gain 5 kills and lots o' money over and over again? :roll: The only reason you should build an turret is if you got stupid teammates,stupid enemies that dont buy juice to wreck your turrentz and got more robots that you can handle yourself. And occasionally an lazerblazer to kill the pub newb.
  7. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    I only spend money on turrets when I have a support/teammate defending that I know can keep them alive. I refuse to spend hundreds of dollars on crap that is just going to die in 3 seconds and not help us anyway.
  8. Rev Rabies

    Rev Rabies New Member

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    I'm an assassin, my money is for hazards, maybe gremlins, and maybe juice
  9. Dudeboy

    Dudeboy New Member

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    I do buy some turrets when I have extra cash, but I'd probably buy more if some of the placements weren't so horrible. i.e. Steel Peel and Ammo Mule.
  10. rhineville

    rhineville Member

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    I find lately that if I buy a turret and expect it to do any good I have to stick by the base on the side it's built and wait for the inevitable juiced assassin or tank so I can try to waste their juice somehow. On lazerazor it's easier as you can buy a bunch of lazer turrets and they'll do the job, but on any other map a gunner with 3 seconds to spare will wipe it out.

    With the update base building without getting locked in might be a bit more viable with the cost reductions and such.
  11. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    The way high-level play has turned out, if you've built turrets in your base, you've just created something else that needs to have manpower back at base to be protected from pros. Since pros can no longer directly damage the moneyball, but can juice and wreck a turret in record time, turrets have become far less necessary. It's almost a better idea, as Organous said, to just push and be a threat, since if you can destroy every bot in your way in both lanes, that's the best protection your moneyball is ever going to need. Pros can swarm your base, but it won't matter if you're destroying every bot that spawns from their end of the arena. I guess turrets are probably more effective at halting efforts to spawn camp, in that regard.

    I wish it wasn't so, but alas!
  12. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    LazerRazor and AmmoMule benefit hugely from hacked LVL3 LazerBlazers in certain spots, though they do require constant babysitting and competent teammates - *watches Gunners and Gapshots tear down his turrents as his teammates presumably scratch their collective nutsacks*.
  13. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    yes, play against someone like me, and when you ignore your turrets your going to come back to them all gone.

    simply look at the dumb things before you leave, so you know you will have a base to return to? they spark if they are nearly destroyed.

    the other day i played assassin on grenadeIII, i started destroying turrets with shurikens right at the beginning of the game from inside their base, and even tho pros spawned and left the base, they passed me within inches, shoulder to shoulder, waived as they passed, and didnt notice i WAS AN ENEMY DESTROYING TURRETS.
  14. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    But you're invisible and my screen is only 4:3 :cry:
  15. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, I've seen this problem as well. Being Support doesn't always net you a healthy wad of cash, so it is very frustrating when you're the only one building base defenses. Even more frustrating is when an assassin rolls by and destroys all if not most of your base defenses, essentially having wasted your money.

    But I see the flipside too. The only threat to a pro is another pro. Otherwise there's always an angle where the turret can be safely destroyed from, and there goes all your money you spent. This is especially bad with Support since he lacks any long range weapons to retaliate the destroyer of said turret.

    Turrets are really meant to handle bots, which if your team is destroying them before they reach your base, there is no point in having turrets at all, because yeah, the second you leave base, your turrets are very likely going to be destroyed.

    I feel your pain as a fellow turret building Support.
  16. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Well I used to feel the same way; I once was infatuated with teh turrents then learned that it was better to be aggressive and pro-hunt. Then I started playing with shave-ices. A shave + lvl 3 LB or 2.2 rockit can waste a serious amount of juice and even stop a lot of people from advancing at all. A shave and a 3.3 rockit can eliminate juiced pros. Plus they soak so much damage and shift almost every pro's attention from killing and pushing to shooting a turret. Slowly.

    I find that almost every time I build a shave, the other team ends up building one too. They seriously hamper tactics and escapes, and they piss off the other team. And they're alarmingly effective( on grenade especially).

    Given that everyone is learning the tricks and spots to hit, turrets are becoming more effective. Everyone knows they'll break, so noone builds them, and so noone expects them. I agree that it requires a support. Without one all turrets become smoking juice holes. But when I'm there, HH in hand and have a shave a a lvl 2 LB, spend the little bit to uprgade our ish.

    and thanks HostileParadox.
  17. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Part of my problem when it comes to building turrets is that I never play Support, so I can't guarantee that I will be able to keep my turret alive since all damage to turrets is permanent.

    If Turrets slowly gained back health or if there was a way to spend money on a turret to re-build it back to full health I would build many more turrets.
  18. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Agreed the ability to re-buy lvl 3s would be a good incentive. or at least purchase some amount of health on them.
  19. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    I am someone who will build turrets regardless of what class I'm playing, especially since I rarely buy Juice. Even if we have 0 Supports and our base is getting hammered if there are no turrets covering a lane and there is a spot open, I'll build something. Even if the turret goes down a few seconds after building it, if it stops the flow of bots and directs attention away from the Moneyball I consider it a worthwhile investment.

    ShavIce isn't used enough in Crossfire imo. It's best if there are enemy Assassins/Gremlins entering the base, but its heavy armor and slowing capabilities are still useful against anything that gets in range. Hacked ShavIce are even better as they'll slow down almost anything within their line of sight. Not everyone seems to notice this though since the visible frost effect given off by a Hacked ShavIce is the same radius as a normal ShavIce. A visual cue showing the extended range may help show the effective range, but I don't know if there could be a hardware performance issue caused by the increased number of drawn sprites or not.
  20. Magikarp

    Magikarp New Member

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    it rapes juicers assassins and gremlins.
    3.3 is insane.
    people are selfish tho

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