Please remove Bots all-together (Devil's Advocate)

Discussion in 'Balance Discussions' started by wpmarshall, July 4, 2014.

  1. wpmarshall

    wpmarshall Planetary Moderator

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    So, this is probably the umpteenth post on the topic of bots since the last balance patch. But I'm going to attempt a devil's advocate stance in this thread to sum up the current situation.

    Please remove bots from the game completely.

    The result:
    No-one uses bots, fighting becomes tank spam mixed with infernos and spinners plus building up Air to counter air because that's the way we do things. One can win a game simply by outproducing in one or more of these modalities and overriding their opponent's tug-of-war lane to their base, ultimately pressuring into a GG and end-game.
    Raiding is done by bombers or the odd tank stationed at metal clumps.

    Sound familiar? It should do.
    Now...I wonder what would happen if bots were in the game? At present, not a whole lot different.

    The past couple of days I have tried playing a majority bot play against inferno only play (which works....less than half of the time) and also against someone playing normally at which point it does not work at all. Now yes, I know..."Who only plays with bots and nothing else?" The rest of my build remained the same whereby I produced air etc, except substituting tanks and bots. I ran into the following problems;

    Bots need glasses or binoculars or something
    Bots simply cannot see far enough to be able to know they are about to get squashed by a single tank or uber cannon. Thus they cannot act as the harassment units because they cannot possibly know when enough is enough, where to attack and where to avoid unless they have air escort or skitter at which point you get the movement speed disparities. Plus it gets to the point where you can say "Why bother harass with bots if I have to make air anyway...why not just use bombers?" Good question, unless they have AA.

    Bots are not like paper, they are like sugar paper in a grinder dunked in anti-paper acid
    Speaks for itself.
    They need to at least take a solitary singular hit.

    Their abilities are not in any way reflected by their cost
    A horde of 20 or so bots struggles to take out 10 tanks - why not just save the trouble and make tanks?

    In summary, one could argue that bots can be taken out of the game with no major impact on gameplay at present.
    If they are the way they are to create 'diversification' and unit differentiation, yeah...useful units vs useless units is one way of categorising :p
    Personally, I think they need 'some' form of AA simply because they cannot see far enough and grenadiers that can see cant move fast enough to avoid bombers so you then lose your vision and then you strollin' blind.
    HOWEVER, the more pressing issue than AA is that bots need the following things to make them half viable in the game from my experience:
    > Vision range greater or equal to that of a T1 tank
    > Some form of chassis upgrade so they can withstand a sneeze
    > Much decreased cost so that they can be effective if they do not get a health increase.

    (I have not experimented too far with T2 bots simply because by the time I get there I've got tanks in my front garden, plus it then becomes a T2 vs T1 scenario which is slightly different)
  2. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    brianpurkiss and stuart98 like this.
  3. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    I wish dox could shoot air...

    But yea, best to remove bots currently. They are nothing more than a noob trap
    stuart98 likes this.
  4. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    And they'll still be a newb trap even if they do get buffed to be viable in the role that Scathis intends for them to have.
  5. wpmarshall

    wpmarshall Planetary Moderator

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    Don't 'actually' remove bots, I was doing devil's advocate to show just how little place there is for them in the game at the moment, if they are supposed to be raiders, they do not do enough damage to buildings, especially since the health buff etc etc.
    brianpurkiss likes this.
  6. Murcanic

    Murcanic Well-Known Member

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    I miss the days when I would send bots around the two flanks of a tank blob with tanks attacking the front, and just watch the whole blob get annihilated xD but the armies don't get that big anymore, tanks are too fast with bots to slow in comparison, not to mention tank health and dmg vs bot dmg and health even including metal cost is pretty bad and then of course tanks also have longer range and vision... things used to be balanced and fun for using both in combat... but nope now tanks rule :(
    brianpurkiss and stuart98 like this.
  7. vorell255

    vorell255 Active Member

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    The complaint we really have about bots are that we can't shoot at air at all, and the dox isn't worth building unless you know they aren't watching some random mex's. The bomb bot, the grenadier are all worth building, and pretty much all the t2 bots have great uses.
  8. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    "We" doesn't represent everyone.
    nick2k likes this.
  9. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    No ofcourse not. But i mean, as of currently they might as well be removed untill they start making any sort of sense.
    stuart98 and Murcanic like this.
  10. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I can dig bots having a little over half a tank's health and a little less than a tank's damage, as far as combat ones. That is more than balanced for use.

    That is just balance though. Grenadiers are fine because they have a "role". Combat fabbers are what you build from bot factories, because they super amp tanks. Would be nice if they had a variety of AA. Would be nice if bluehawk could hit air or whatever even if necesary. Gil-e is fine as the unit it is. The only problem with bot balance, is startup and standalone viability, compared to tanks.

    To also play devil's advocate, it is plausible to integrate bots with vehicle factory. As well as add a factory to naval for naval-light to compliment existing naval-heavy.
    stuart98 likes this.
  11. wpmarshall

    wpmarshall Planetary Moderator

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    Lets take 2 situations here
    1. Naval Planet
    2. Planet with bodies of water

    In situation 1, why on earth would you even bother with bots? Air and/or naval and that's it
    In situation 2, again, why bother going bots? Or even why both going naval at all? Unless there are large bodies of water and large bodies of land whereby the water is all connected and has decent resources while your base is a reasonable/safe distance away from the water, why not just play as per usual (Tanks +/ air)?

    As for combat fabs, why bother using time and resources to build an entire bot factory just for a single unit when you can make a vehicle factory and pump out more units which do damage and cost less?
  12. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    For full naval planets, the same as bot vs vehicle on solid land planets, you have expensive per unit and slow moving unit type factory, and you have faster unit type and cheaper unit type factory. Obviously like tanks, ships will be more combat cost effective in armor and damage, but bots shouldn't be as weak as they are now anyway so I am assuming "balanced where bots are worthwhile". Also, I don't mean "bots", I mean "light naval", boats and ships with different roles and boats having bot roles while not being "amphibious".

    As for planets with 30% water, 50% water, and 75% water, you build naval strategically. If the t2 ships are a pretty strong form of t2 artillery unit bound only to a pool of water, they still enforce ownership of your base and shell invading units. If there is more water, t1 and t2 ships can threaten most land establishments because of range to water and water's extensive access to much shoreline, meaning you can decide the game with naval alone versus a land player.

    I like the direction of adding some lighter and land-equivalent roles to naval. This also assumes naval fabbers are as viable in speed and efficiency as land ones. I made a mod like this:

    -it still has 1 factory but has viable light and heavy naval units.

    -boat fabber is as fast as bot and armored as vehicle and has 2x bot fabber build range to comphensate for ship range increase to fabber's safety and to build deeper onto shoreline and of course is as efficient as land fabbers.

    -Scout boat is now a missile boat, AA vehicle cost and health, 120 range, can fire on air land and sea, average AA damage with low land damage.

    -Added a submarine model and named it "SeaBass: torpedo ship, naval only", has scout boat health and tank cost but has 150 range higher damage torpedos. The "role" is it is stronger as naval raiding but completely vunerable to land and sea as torpedoes can neither hit land nor air.

    -For raiding, the strategy lies in unit composition compared to enemies. More sea bass beat other naval encounters of just raiding units, air beats those, more sunfish defends air better and allows for some land attacking.

    -Those raiding units and fabber are the "conversion" from land to naval. The Bluebottle as I renamed it is still present, and is the current expensive-ish ship with 160-180 range and 2 cannons of considerable power. I even buffed their HP, they cost 3 sea bass I think but they can kill 4 and their cost to HP is even better which brings me to my next addition to "light" roles...

    -There is a sub fabber model I added and named "combat fabrication boat", it has less range than fab boat and can't assist but can only repair boats and build mines (which now build in water). With durable ships, these things make ship combat slow but hardy and worthwhile, once established, of course because of cost scouting can be established in mass and earlier and 5-10 sea bass can threaten boats with focus still due to speed and massability.

    -Then there is the "specialized" t2. The fabber again is the same changes to t1, bot efficiency, vehicle health, bot speed, naval range.

    -The narwahl is in t2 now. It has flak, huge aoe, slow firing, 2 hits t1 air units. It is a vicious counter to bulk air. It has a machinegun with enough range to threaten point blank shoreline or directly overhead air that doesn't do too terrible much damage (uses gatling AA bot weapon). It has heavy cost per ship, making it an investment as well, not spammable to just "cancel out" t2.

    -The stingray is t2, it has ammo system, can fire 3-4 missiles 2x faster than current stingray, then fire 1 missile every 30 seconds afterwards. Great for single hit and burst damage against leviathans and high health land targets, bad for sustained dps against multiple units.

    -The leviathan is t2. Instead of firing 12 cannons at once, it fires 4 cannons in salvos of 3 repeatedly, lower damage a shot, much higher rate of fire. In range of a base, it will rain down onto the base all over, but the structures would take quite some time to actually die. Against other naval units and land units it can pressure and damage and thin out large armies excellently, and has quite a bit of armor against 3 bluebottles even. If rushed with a mass of light it can be swarmed, if hit with hard hitters like holkins or stingray it can be sniped.

    -Ships dying leaving wreckage slowed down other slow ships. I removed all naval unit wreckage. Now ships don't impede other ships if defeated in moving combat.
  13. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    well why do bots have to be just restricted to ground? cant we get like a T1 variant gunship that like instead of they typical *makes sense design* of vehicles and aircraft? also, dox, i like the idea of dox being an all rounder unit like anchors and hit air as well as ground, similar to the change of anchor able to hit orbital and ground (now to think of it, anchor can hit very unit in the game, although luckily it cant move)

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  14. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    A flying bot, is just a aircraft.
  15. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    This is another acceptable idea. We have a hybrid bot-ship, an amphibious bot. We could have "air bot", the bot factory literally builds a bot that acts as a gunship like a rocketeer bot. Low health, a single anti air hit takes it down. Cheap with average anti air damage against air and ground targets. A stinger for instance would kill 2 rocketeers without dying. A spinner would kill 4. Fighters would kill 3 and the 3 couldn't out "outrun" the fighter. They would be fodder, but at least there would be a variety from 1 factory. It would be the classic establishment factory for all roles of a light variety, while tanks are "enforcement" land, naval is "enforcement sea" and air is "enforcement air".

    This can go many ways with a bit of interesting variety.
  16. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    >.O everything is relative, a name is just a title you give something, i call it...the Airbot! no silly aircraft...and design scheme could be different, like i stated. anyways, the point is, bot factories can do more crasy things then they can do now, like airbots *giggle*
  17. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I would say a name like mosquito or rockette is fitting...
  18. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    or the pisseroffer
    lol mosquito sounds fitting, or gnat, or iron fly...rockette sounds like something from a vehicle, so doesnt work D=
    still like pisseroffer
  19. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Enunciation difference, like ROcket vs röckETte.

    Possibly pronounce it entirely different by calling it the rockettè. Like Rocket-UH.

    Particles float, could call it the particle.

  20. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    o right, i shouldnt trash names because of my personal opinion.

    Anyways, bots shouldnt be removed from the game completely, that much is clear, they just need to be...reworked

    EDIT: and we have no idea if Uber even likes the idea of airbots, let alone a name for them

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