Please prevent firebases in opponent's base

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by dreizehn, March 1, 2011.

  1. dreizehn

    dreizehn Active Member

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    I know there is a safe area where you (re)spawn.
    But it happens quite often - when you're in a team that is absolutely inferior during a match - that you're dead before you have have taken more than 5 steps in your own base.
    I just played Steel Peel and the opponent planted 1 or 2 firebase(s) in our base. We were dead before we even got to our own moneyball.
    Can something be done about this like - for example - prevent planting firebases in the opponent's base?

    I know if you're quite good you can destroy it, etc. ...
    But if you are not that good you have no chance. Neither to destroy it nor to go out of your spawn.
  2. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Generally speaking if you're being rolled that hard the match is only going to last half a minute longer. While I can see it being obnoxious, it's only obnoxious for the 10-20 seconds before you lose.

    Those firebases are really easy to take out if you know how, and it only takes one good player to get rid of it, and the support is wasting that good players time, making it a valid tactic.

    My suggestion is to wait for the SDK and either make your own map with an area designated as a "no-turret" zone yourself, or ask someone else to do it. In all the games I've played, I've only seen this happen a few times, and the team in question was already losing so horribly it didn't matter. So the wait shouldn't be too hard on you.

    While this becoming a feature on Uber-made maps will most likely never happen(and in my opinion it shouldn't), I could totally see this becoming a fairly common feature in custom maps.
  3. dreizehn

    dreizehn Active Member

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    True. The match won't last much longer when this situation happens.
    I just get a feeling like spawnkilling. Although it is good that you can't shoot out of your own spawn.

    Sorry, I don't understand what you are telling with this.
  4. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Er meint, es ist unwarscheinlich (und seiner Meinung nach auch keine gute Idee), wenn Uber das auf ihren Karten unterbinden wrde. Es wre aber durchaus denkbar, dass es ein Standard-Feature auf Custom-Maps von Fans werden knnte.
  5. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    I was referring to the not being able to build turrets in the enemy bases suggestion you made, and the likelihood of it being implemented on standard and custom maps.

    Ich bezog das nicht in der Lage, Revolvern in den feindlichen Basen Anregung Sie gemacht, und die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass sie bauen wird auf Standard-und Custom-Maps implementiert.
  6. Kel

    Kel New Member

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    :lol: translator is not the best idea. Col_Jessep said it right in german.
  7. dreizehn

    dreizehn Active Member

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    Thanks a lot for the translation, you two ;-)
    Now it's clear for me.
  8. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    There are multiple exits out of the spawn. Short of having 3 support on the other team that have placed turrets in key locations, they can't cover every exit. I've been on teams where a lone support will run into my base and throw a turret down. I just blast it quickly and move back to bot management. If you have an entire team in your base mowing you down with the turret as support, your dead. Might as well stay in spawn and wait for the game to end. That's what I do in games there is no chance I can kill the 6 pros on my money ball.
  9. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    A good game does not limit the skills of others in order to necessitate the shortcomings of beginners.
    If they are skilled enough to get the turrets there, they deserve to get them there. The game never decides how good a player shouldnt be.

    L. Spiro

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