Maybe I'm the minority here, but I'm a games programmer. I love reading articles from different developers talking about how they approach a particular problem and the ideas they had and why they settled on the final solution. Now, I understand that purely technical articles can be a little hard to digest for some but I love them! So, please can you ask Uber Santa to bring me some Technical articles on PA development this Xmas? Thanks!
I'm not a programmer but I love reading that stuff too. You're not alone. On the other hand, if time writing blog posts takes away from time working on the game I'd rather they just kept working on the game.
I'm a programmer too and also working into gamedev, but I'm also a gamer. So I more wonder about game design as it's obviously much more viable for good game. And I rather prefer to knew about game design early enough, so if it is wrong in my opinion, than I may start wondering about modding capabilities =).
I'm a developer (web development for a corporation; not nearly as much fun as game dev, but more laid-back), so I too enjoy the technical babble. Keep it, and the excellent work, coming Uber!