I made this thread only because I never had the chance to play with the other people on this forum. I 'd like to play some games with: Liefglinde Bolt Hudson Irradiated Relex(?) Saint Deadstretch As well as others. No struggle No competetive bullpocky Just some wholesome good games.
Hey now, we played a few matched before. You sent me a message saying you could have done better or something. So yeah we should play with each other.
I actually know it. I have a (bad) habit of trying to memorise random stuff. Z, big o, two small o's two 0's two big O's and an M.
It's IrradiatedRadex. He's a close MNC buddy of mine and he will give the enemy team a hard time lol. He's way better then average IMO and he's still a buzzer.
Sure! Just send me a Friend Request. We'll play with each other and then we'll play MNC! ^ (Sarcasm. Not really.) ^ (Bad Joke?) =\
Meh. Add me if you want. I have a bad habit of forgetting when people send me an invite, so either join my game if I'm in one or keep spamming the invites. Chances are I'll notice eventually.
Not entirely sure what either of you mean by this. When I see an invite mid game, I'm not going to immediately leave to join. I like finishing the game I'm in. By the time that game is over, there's a good chance I'll have forgotten that I've gotten an invite. I'm not trying to look cool, I'm trying to say that I don't have the greatest memory.