Player-pressure: Just say no!

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by TehOwn, May 17, 2013.

  1. TehOwn

    TehOwn Member

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    I read more and more threads of people arguing that "we want this" and "we want that" combined with phrases, "Why won't you give us what we ask for?"

    These get more specific until people who have no experience in games design feel the need to dictate every feature.

    When I buy a coffee, I specify very little. I choose from the options which are provided to me.

    I don't attempt to tell them which bean to use, how to grind it properly, what temperature it should be, how to brew it, what kind of cup to put it in, how much froth it needs. I don't specify the kind of milk, nor the brand.

    The reason I don't specify those things is because I'm not an expert in coffee and I'd rather stick to the "recipe" that someone more experienced than I has come up with.

    If you're a AAA RTS game developer with a lot of experience, then sure, feel free to give Uber some tips. Otherwise, feel free to share what you think would be cool but don't go around saying that you speak for the player base or even assuming that most gamers actually know what they want. Because they don't.

    This isn't an isolated problem. It sometimes feels like everyone in the world believes themselves to know more about games design than people who do it for a living.
  2. Pluisjen

    Pluisjen Member

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  3. Spinewire

    Spinewire Member

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    As a backer I am oozing entitlement and think everyone one should dance to the beat of my drum.
  4. AusSkiller

    AusSkiller Member

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    Agreed, Uber should just do what they think will be best for PA, they have a much better idea of what works and what doesn't work for the game.

    However it can still be beneficial for players to voice their ideas and concerns in case Uber haven't considered them yet, but ultimately it should be Uber's decision on how to handle them because they will know what will work in PA a lot better than any of us. We all just need to accept that Uber wont always make the decisions we want them to and in those cases we should just trust that there is a good reason why Uber made that decision and that PA will be a better game because of it (even if doesn't end up being the exact game you want).
  5. xcupx

    xcupx Member

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    If the average backer backed at the $90 level they submitted ~0.000040 of ~$2.2 million in just the kickstarter. I know there has been a hell of alot more pre-orders but I only know the kickstarter numbers so that's 40 millionths of a percent that the average person has backed. and yet some feel like they should have full input on every feature. Very interesting indeed. Even the $1000 backers only have ~0.00045 percent each so thats really a pretty small percentage too. 400 millionths. Ironically it seems to me that the people who bought the cosmic edition seem to be the ones who most often pull the entitlement card.

    very interesting indeed.

    Though, uber has listened to us for some stuff, mostly naming I think at this point. and they probably should listen a little bit but I think they should start listening, and still with a grain of salt to be sure, when we actually have alpha on our hands and have something of real substance to talk about because so far it's mostly conjecture and misunderstandings from what I've seen.
  6. pantsburgh

    pantsburgh Active Member

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    It's just people getting excited about a new video game; there's no harm in it. In fact, it's to be expected when Uber is actively soliciting feedback.

    Neutrino said last livestream that our feedback is resulting in changes to the game, but don't take that to mean they don't know how to filter their feedback. When they hear that lots of us like our coffee with a hint of vanilla flavor (is that a thing? I don't drink coffee, so if it's not a thing then just pretend it is) they're gonna tweak their recipe to include some vanilla. It's nothing to be afraid of - they know what they're doing.

    If nothing else, people are coming up with great mod ideas.
  7. veta

    veta Active Member

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    this. i'm not sure why people make posts like the OP, you see it a lot on game forums though.
    Last edited: May 17, 2013
  8. AusSkiller

    AusSkiller Member

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    You forgot to multiply by 100 to get the percentage values, a $90 backer pledged ~0.004 percent (4 thousandths of a percent) and $1000 backers pledged ~0.045 percent (45 thousandths of a percent), but your point is still valid.
  9. syox

    syox Member

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    You convinced me.

    Say no to Participation!
    Say yes to Totalitarianism!
  10. comham

    comham Active Member

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    No, see, the forums are actually plugged directly into the minds of the programmers, bypassing their free will and creative drive. Whatever we post, they code. You should see the weird things in PA that are a result of spam bots.
  11. pantsburgh

    pantsburgh Active Member

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    I'm suddenly looking forward to seeing the finished game even more!
  12. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    I dunno, there are certain things that players have pointed out that make sense or make me think. It's more a question of filtering the feedback and fitting it into the vision as a ongoing process.

    The biggest part of the feedback loop hasn't even begun yet. Realistically we've been working on basic systems so most of the commentary about gameplay has so far been about the future. The amount of work to just get a basic game going is pretty immense when you are build a crazy next-gen engine at the same time.
  13. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    Double this. So long as Uber doesn't oversimplify the game to the point where it is a fancy SC2 replica, good fan suggestions that are popular are generally good overall suggestions. It's when Uber tries to cater to the cacophonous masses excessively, or the cacophonous masses start demanding that Uber do X Y and Z RIGHT ******* NOW that we have a problem.
  14. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Insane, nonsensical and contradictory demands are a fact of business. It's no different for a game company, especially one as open to the public as PA.

    IMO it's important to have a big list of things you CAN do rather than things that SHOULD be done. It's important enough to try out new things, and sometimes a problem can't be solved without a different approach. More approaches mean better odds of finding the perfect solution.
  15. veta

    veta Active Member

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    sensible advice
  16. Nelec

    Nelec Member

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    Agreed, and I don't feel that people are necessarily 'demanding' it either.

    People are just really excited and speculating different options that could be in the game, rather than downright pressuring Uber into it.

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