Played one game by myself, ALPHA FEEDBACK

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by crawlingchaos24, June 8, 2013.

  1. crawlingchaos24

    crawlingchaos24 New Member

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    I've noticed a lot of little problems from construction randomly stopping to units not responding and things like that, however the one big thing I've noticed was that my game started to stutter massively after the 30 minute mark the game would freeze up for seconds at a time and was using absurd amounts of ram (upwards of 5Gb) for no particular reason, I had most of the structures built and maybe four or five units running around, but as far as I could tell, no combat was taking place, nor anything else I could find that would normally cause those kinds of slowdowns. Just my two cents, didn't see something like this posted already.
  2. cyclopsis

    cyclopsis Member

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    Sounds like an Alpha alright.
  3. flynnkd

    flynnkd New Member

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    I had some slow down as I built up. I had units vanish under the world, sometimes they can be reached but othertimes they vanish. Pathing can get lost at times, I had a bunch of units sitting on some ice unable to move, had to reclaim them.
  4. timitimitimi

    timitimitimi New Member

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    Hi, had my first game aswell.. multiplayer, 1v1v1v1.

    Well, first things first, awesome work UBER !

    Then, for the feedback...

    The loby is absolutly unreadable ! Something close to supreme commander would be welcome!

    In game, a feature i miss (compared to supcom) is to see the historical chat. has to be a chat box or someway to see it even further.

    I have not had a clue of my radar range, pretty problematic, though i might have not found the option...

    i was seriously wondering how to make use of that wall structure ?? just make it like in age of empires or something, that would be neat ! (automaticaly extending from 1 point to the other)

    some bots are not finishing their builds...

    you can build over another structure in the build order, not good.

    some units go underground for some reason, defenses keep shooting at it... destroying friendly structures..

    I didn't like that the ACU took 3 hours for a single shot at enemy units, maybe have him do 2 types of firing..? Rapid + low power / slow + high power ?

    and for the rest, maybe have some AA filters!

    path finding need some work aswell, but you didn't need me for that.

    All in all, great job guys, keep up the good work, sorry if my post sounds like i'm surprised or pissed, i'm not, just stating all i wrote on a .doc file while in-game.

    thanks, and laters for more feedback !
  5. SirChristoffee

    SirChristoffee Member

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    Sounds like a whole lot of know issues ;). If you haven't already, check out the bug tracker for any other things that seem off. If you can't find what's up there, you can submit a task too and hope it isn't a duplicate (I've only got a 1:2 duplicate to not duplicate ratio)!
  6. Salacnar

    Salacnar New Member

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    On my first game i think this is gona be a awesome game cant wait for the moon and astroroids to make it to the game

    however for feedback i also have a notes to say

    1 Energy Consumption is way to high (please comment is you agree or disagree)

    2 Units sometimes get stuck in the ground or canyons

    3 No selfdestruct timer on units and buildings

    4 AI commander a bit dumb and weak (killed the first one in 30min)

    5 no Anti-Aliasing (i know this is alpha) but i want to ask and say DO NOT use FXAA from Nvidia its way to gpu intensive and there is far more better solution that has the same effect but less gpu intensive and its call SMAA
  7. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Pgens currently give 700 energy, a few builds earlier it was 500. So they have already improved this. Imho it is okay like this for now. ... sort2=desc
    there is not AI. The "AI" is just spawning with a few units around it so you can throw stuff against it.
  8. technoxan

    technoxan New Member

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    I played my first game and experienced one factory accidentally placed al over my base!
    I think that building stacking could be a major problem to testers. because if you don't stack you underpowered and if you do stack your not playing the game as it is.

    just my thoughts on the matter, criticism welcome :D
  9. timitimitimi

    timitimitimi New Member

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    and some more feedback :

    How come tanks can go underwater ?

    Pressing shift i could see enemies build queue.

    Tanks get stuck.....

    Navy guy has a lot of work to do right ? No health, not firing..

    Need a way to re-align the camera, i get lost !

    Air defense fires at tanks ? wtf ?

    Game is way too slow... Possible to choose speed in the future ?

    I see missiles and rockets in fog of war, looks weird.

    When mouse hovering build menu, need the infobox about buildings or units to disapear. Prioritise the hovering of the build menu!

    thanks again for the great work uber !
  10. technoxan

    technoxan New Member

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    4 AI commander a bit dumb and weak (killed the first one in 30min)
    there is not AI. The "AI" is just spawning with a few units around it so you can throw stuff against it.[/quote]

    Wait there is no AI just a dummy to practice on?!
    Last edited: June 8, 2013
  11. techbot

    techbot New Member

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    it's annoying and funny at the same time
  12. technoxan

    technoxan New Member

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  13. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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  14. tcrank

    tcrank New Member

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    I've been trying to play a single player game however the option is grayed out for me, hopefully I'm not the only one with this issue
  15. smallcpu

    smallcpu Active Member

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    Thats not an issue, single player is disabled for the alpha. Just start a normal one and you'll be all alone too. :p
  16. tcrank

    tcrank New Member

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    so I'm lost just playing around with no opponents?
  17. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    You can either play against humans or AI.

    However the AI isent realy AI, its more target practice (its a commander with some turrets and units around it).

    If you wish to play against AI (target practice) simply start a game before players has joined.
  18. tcrank

    tcrank New Member

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    Right on unfortunately I'm in the field with the army so my connection probably isn't good for multi-player but I'll get some target practice until then
  19. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    Taking on the AI also means you can then look at the art for every single unit and see the speed. Like the bots are definitely the fastest land unit in the game. I quite like the water power and metallic structures myself

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