Played Alpha, looking great! More info inside!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Doomsdayparade, June 6, 2013.

  1. Doomsdayparade

    Doomsdayparade New Member

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    First off, the good stuff.

    The game is looking great! I only fiddled around with one group (can't remember if they had a name or not... green and purple coloring (I was more interested in getting a feel for the game than anything at the time)), but had a pretty decent time with it. Building placement is simple, though with it's obvious issues at the time (clipping), and the control over your units/buildings is very easy to use and manage, even in larger numbers (though highlighting icons that you have selected will be nice, though I doubt that's news to any of you haha).

    Also, the music in-game (keep in mind I play a lot of RTS games (i.e. Rome, Medieval 2, Shogun 2, etc. etc.) made me feel like a giddy schoolgirl with not only how well it fit, but with how it definitely made me want to blow something up. I've never really felt that in an RTS game before, and am extremely happy to feel that in PA.

    Now for the few issues I had while playing (I played solo, so I haven't experienced any combat in-game yet)

    -When I built a naval factory, it was partly submerged, causing all of my naval units to immediately nose dive into the planet and not move

    -The pathing of my tanks and scouts caused them to (in the case of the scout) fall into a ravine and get caught in it, and (in the case of the tanks) drive into the sea and proceed to drive under the surface of the planet

    I hope this is clear enough, and that I'm not pointing out stuff that you all already know. Just hoping to help by telling you what I noticed.

    Good luck! Looking forward to more updates.
  2. amphok

    amphok Member

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    so what are the units?

    are there things like the can, goliath, sumo? i have always loved, menacing units
    they make the game more fun, for me
  3. Doomsdayparade

    Doomsdayparade New Member

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    Well, as they stated they have not implemented all the units or aspects that they wish to have in the game yet. So far the units and buildings you get to field are rather limited, consisting of the standard array of tanks, anti-air vehicles, scouts, bombers, AA ships, and a few naval vessels. They all looked how I expected them to, with viewing the videos and whatnot.

    Nothing on an epic scale yet, but one can still hope!
  4. pivo187

    pivo187 Active Member

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    Have they confirmed or denied whether there would be experimentals?
    It seems as if the units in the game are the exact same as ta units. Will there be plenty of unique units to planetary annihilation? Hoping they do since it's only one faction
  5. Baleur

    Baleur Member

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    I wouldn't be surprised to see free weekly unit packs after the game is released.
    Especially considering modding. With the simple unit style (in terms of polycount and texturing), modding new units that fit with the current asthetic will be extremely approachable.
    Heck, I might even reinstall my dusty old version of 3ds max for that reason alone.

    I would definetly not worry about lacking unit variety :D
    Except during Alpha/Early Beta of course, but that's just something we gotta be patient with.

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