I've been having graphics issues since switching from build 58772 to 59607. Planets and units aren't appearing, only green dots are visible (imgur.com/jDu8m41). I've seen older threads with similar issues but they were all for older builds and were generally AMD related issues. I'm running on a Retina MacBook Pro with the following specs. I'm completely up-to-date w.r.t. software, I'm running the latest OS X and as best I can tell NVIDIA doesn't release separate drivers I can install for this card on OS X. I apologize if someone already has a solution I missed, I checked a few of the more recent threads but I'm new to the forums. Thanks in advance! PS- TA was one of my favorite games, and so far PA has been amazing. Edit: Whoops, just saw this an earlier thread where upgrading to mavericks or disabling HDR were suggested. Turning off HDR appears to have resolved the issue (albeit now I have to run with HDR off). I'm already running the latest version of mavericks though so that was a nonstarter.