Planets crashing into my own planets

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by timgilbert, August 23, 2015.

  1. timgilbert

    timgilbert New Member

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    Hey everyone,

    thrilled about PA:T.
    Still crashing a lot of times, but I am kind of accepting that.
    Just played a match a second ago, where we were completely crushing the enemies in a very intense late game. We wanted to shorten the process and so we sent our moon for annihilation. Not far away from the enemy's planet, our own planet got in the way and we lost.
    This was really bugging me.. I mean it is realistic, but do you guys really want us players to calculate whether our planets could be in the way or not while fighting a war on X different planets? Other than that it makes winning by halleying kind of random in a crowded system.

    On top of that, I even lost a few games because my planet crashed with another planet without any halleys involved.

    I'm suggesting you should make sure this does not happen, because it's kind of random or at least hard to predict.

  2. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    When you smash a planet you can cancel at any time and the game gives you the flight path, so pay close attention and pause if needed!

    As for your other situation, PA was designed to specially have 'incidental collisions' to give map makes more options to create scenarios (eg two outer planets on a collision course with a 'safe' central planet players have to rush for. I'd always recommend you have a look at the system carefully at the start to check no orbit lines intersect :)
  3. davostheblack

    davostheblack Well-Known Member

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    It's always worth paying attention to your flying death rock; had you been observing, you would have clearly seen the moon incoming for impact, and would have been able to act appropriately

    It's a harsh lesson to learn, but that is what all losses are; lessons

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