Planets and Units

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by bst010, September 29, 2012.

  1. bst010

    bst010 New Member

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    This is probably covered somewhere else..... and probably already thought of...

    What we know:
    Everyone will be able to build the same units/buildings
    Different planet types
    No tech

    Besides the obvious - ships on a water planet - will there be special units/buildings that will be unlocked for different planets? or lets make that happen.

    Example: N00b1 has a metal planet with some slow huge heavy armored units (TA:SUMO :cool: ) that normal nukes can't take down in 1 hit. N00b2 has a gas planet where he has a factory that can compress that gas into a liquid that can melt that thick armor with some type of unit or missile....

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