Planetary, Environmental and Astroid damage Cliffs, rocks destructible or damageable? Can you blow up a strait cliff to reach high ground? Or make a landslide with by destroying a high cliff? Of course this would require some weak spot in the cliff or enough firepower. Will heavy artillery give minor damage to the land? (Not digging a hole to the center of the planet. Ground doesn't just disappear.) (It would be nice if builders could repair minor damage to the land before beginning to construct the building.) How much damage does an astroid do? And if it gets shot with an astroid defence, will the shrapple do damage? like say artillery. Planetary Destuction: Will there be different results depending on: - The size of the planet (less effect) - The size of the astroid (bigger astroid, bigger bang) - The size of the planet in comparison with the size of the astroid. (small planet vs big astroid = planetary annihilation) - Velocity of te astroid (astroid from orbit against the surface or swing the astroid by the sun first to make it pick up speed.) - Where you hit the planet Possible effects from impacts: - Atmosfeer > Shock wave - Desert > Dust cloud - Ocean > Tsunami > less damage for underwater buildings? - Mountain > Flattend - Metal extraction point > gone? - Part of the planet will turn in to lava (lava planet style) because the mantel was destroid. - The planet will tun in to a lava planet - Half the planet will be gone, one half barren heavily damaged other half will have rocks, astroids lava and dust. - The planet turns to dust. Planet gone. -Will the moon fly away with out the gravity of the planet? PS I read about Normal planets, ice planets,lava planets, metal planets, gas giants... What about the sun? Will we have night and day? (Just make the darkside of the planet a bit darker, We wil fight in te shade. ) Types of suns: Protostar, T Tauri Star, Main Sequence Star, Red Giant Star, White Dwarf Star, Red Dwarf Star, Neutron Stars, Supergiant Stars. After reading up a bit about suns... maybe its better to stay away. So... what do you think?