I'm curious. Lore wise, what sort of technological feats does PA demonstrate? One of the fun things about TA was the expanded lore that gave reasoning and technological feats for the various factions. Will PA have a similar sort of expanded universe technological level? Considering that many members of Uber worked on both Supcom and TA, I really don't see why they wouldn't add this. Even if not many people read said expanded universe, it's still something that technical stats lovers like me enjoy. What do you guys think of this?
But I already have. I need moar. Moar lore! lore for the lore gods! Technical Info for the Calculation Throne!
I love this sort of thing in games <3 The TA manual glossary was a fun addition to the game. I'd love to see this sort of thing in PA.
Yeah, giving us some more lore would be great. In the meantime, you should read some fan-fiction. There are plenty listed along mine if you follow the link below in my signature.
The writer was on the forum answering questions like this a while back. Maybe he's still around somewhere! @mkhusker
Thanks so much for that link. I actually read one of the threads he posted, but he didn't post much in the form of concrete info. Thanks for the link though.
Amusingly enough, I've actually used that link multiple times in the past. You write some good fiction, and it's nice that you indexed all of them.