So for the galactic war you are a re awoken commander whom has to stop the "spread" of other factions while finding tech to improve your war efficiency. But you are not fighting the spread of other factions but an already colonized galaxy that you have to fight against gaining "new (safe) territory" that is now under your jurisdiction but cannot be retaken by the other factions you are fighting against. So what i'd like to see be implemented into the Galactic War would be like a "turn based" war where each faction spreads and fight's for tech, resources, and total command over the galaxy for a total victory. So during each factions' "turn" you also expend your "turn" to command and conquer the planet/system that you have just traveled to. These territories you command are able to be recaptured and abandoned for strategical advantages, but you lose the tech that you gained from that system. Each faction should be able to have alliances where they can trade tech and info about the other factions that you are up against, but cannot win with the faction you are in allied with. Thank you for your time, and remember you can't win unless you ANNIHILATE all those whom stand before you.
Rise of nations style, however i dont think Uber is going to bother with implementing more core features of GW and just 'balance' the GW tech cards and laughably call it changing GW
They thought about it, very seriously. The good news is that the GW map is completely client side, so AI moves could be made as a mod.