Planetary Annihilation Crashes.

Discussion in 'Support!' started by darksoulszz, December 18, 2014.

  1. darksoulszz

    darksoulszz New Member

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    I have posted a thread on the steam forums about this but sadly No one has still replied , This is why I take my chances on the uber forum.
    Things i have tried:
    1. made sure all graphics drivers are up to date
    2. disabled and added exception to firewall - Windows Firewall
    3. disabled real time protection on Microsoft essentials
    4. Ran pa.exe as an administrator
    5. Ran pa.exe 64 bit and 32 bit
    6. Ran pa.exe in compatibility mode

    What happens :

    I start my steam,Start my game and ... crashes on startup,It does it a few times and then it finaly loads up and after i start a game it crashes on picking your starting planet.A few more crashes later the game finally works well but its still annoying when i start my computer and having to go trough the hole process again.

    Here is the Dxdiag and all of the logs i have ( i hope these are the logs that are needed)

    Attached Files:

  2. xankar

    xankar Post Master General

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    Have you tried reinstalling PA or verifying the game cache? I had a friend with a similar issue who just reinstalled PA and was able to play without any issues. You could also try playing the game via the Uber launcher which can be downloaded here:

    Additionally, unless the DxDiag posted above is outdated, there has been a recent graphics driver version update: 7 - 64
    I doubt updating to those graphics drivers will help but I suppose it's worth a shot.

    That's all me and my limited knowledge regarding PA issues can help out with. Hope it helps somewhat
    darksoulszz likes this.
  3. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    That's pretty bizarre...
    In any case, I'd start with updating your graphics drivers. According to your DxDiag.txt, your drivers are from September and AMD recently released their new Omega drivers, which are apparently pretty good. You can find them here: 7 - 64

    Another thing that sometimes helps is disabling the page file on your SSD. It's likely a small one and from what I hear, this can cause trouble. Just increase the one on your D-drive to compensate. It's rare though.

    Finally, it could also be Steam doing something strange. Could you try installing and running the game using the UberLauncher? You can download that one here:

    (Doh, Xankar beat me to it)
    darksoulszz and xankar like this.
  4. darksoulszz

    darksoulszz New Member

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    Well... That was fast :D.

    About the drivers...Stupid AMD software Didn't show any updates strange..

    ill get back with results shortly
  5. darksoulszz

    darksoulszz New Member

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    Thanks for the help but for now nothing works.. My only 2 options that are left are:
    1. disabling the page file on my SSD
    2 Install the game via Uber launcher
  6. mkrater

    mkrater Uber Alumni

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    darksoulszz, DeathByDenim and xankar like this.
  7. darksoulszz

    darksoulszz New Member

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    Hey all!

    It seems that one of the RAM modules on my PC had problems which caused a lot of mischief while playing any game.Now everything is fine and i'm back to playing PA :).

    Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for all the replies
    DeathByDenim and cdrkf like this.
  8. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    The faults a dodgy ram module can cause... Been there! Glad to hear your all sorted :)
    DeathByDenim likes this.

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