If my network connection is enabled the game hangs at the splash screen. OS is Windows 7. Game starts with network connection disabled but main screen looks like this (see screenshot), there is no mod-manager, though the file version.txt says 94684, buildid.txt says 2016053194684 . Steam says Content-BuildID: 1156722.
In Steam verify all game files and re-download any that are corrupt or missing. https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335&l=English and/or uninstall and reinstall PA:T.
I let steam verify the game files three times: no change. Now I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Problem remains the same: no mod-manager. -> https://forums.uberent.com/attachments/capture_21062016_162900-jpg.28062/
The issue is this: Code: ERROR [JS/main] bundle://boot/boot.js:44277: error loading https://dfpsrd4q7p23m.cloudfront.net/community-mods/js/main.js after 0.387 seconds Does https://dfpsrd4q7p23m.cloudfront.net/community-mods/js/main.js load in a web browser?
Check this list and make sure nothing is blocking or messing with network connections: https://wiki.palobby.com/wiki/Windows_Incompatible_Software
What antivirus / firewall / security suite are you using? Test with your antivirus / firewall / security suite disabled.
There is no antivirus or firewall software installed. Is there a way to update PA: Titans manually? By now I regret buying a game via steam. Never again, this system is s_h_i_t !!! I think I download the Codex-Version Version, which let me at least use mods with pamm. http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/im-longer-buying-games-steam-opinion/