Planet Editor, System Editor, exact saves and template saves

Discussion in 'Support!' started by vorell255, August 3, 2013.

  1. vorell255

    vorell255 Active Member

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    So I love the Planet Editor! And I am super excited about the system editor.

    Right now we can make a planet save it and play it. That is awesome. But I would love the ability to be able to save a template, that is to say a pre-set of slider values. Then when you pick the template it just generates a random planet each time with those values. This way you can either pick and exact planet or you can pick a template. Should be easy to add in.

    Same idea would go for the system editor. This way you can get a lot of different kinds of choices. If I know I like a certain kinda of game play, but don't want to have to generate the planet / system every time to keep the random / dynamic starts going.
  2. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    Re: Planet Editor, System Editor, exact saves and template s

    Just change the seed to change the generation using the same settings.
  3. vorell255

    vorell255 Active Member

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    Re: Planet Editor, System Editor, exact saves and template s

    you know how you can click generate new planet and it will generate a random one for you? And you can also load a new planet of your choosing. Basically what I am saying is after picking one that you pre-made being able to generate more based of those sliders but changing the seed....Its just a easy ability thing.
  4. techvert

    techvert New Member

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    Re: Planet Editor, System Editor, exact saves and template s

    I like this idea. If you wanted to generate say a random island or water map, it would be useful to have preset templates like this with only the seed randomizing.
  5. jacoby6000

    jacoby6000 Member

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    Re: Planet Editor, System Editor, exact saves and template s

    You can already do this. Load a map that you've made before, and then just change the seed.

    If what you're asking is for the map generator to only generate similar maps, well, that's damn near impossible. The planets are generated procedurally, that means that the planet generator doesn't know anything about the planet it's about to generate until after it's already generated it. Not to mention, it then has to somehow know if it is somehow similar to another planet.

    Perhaps, if the planet generator could know how to tell if two maps were similar, it could do it. But then you'd be sitting there a long time while it generated new maps and discarded them until it found one that fits the 'template'
  6. techvert

    techvert New Member

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    Re: Planet Editor, System Editor, exact saves and template s

    The map generator doesn't have to know anything for this to work. I've already found a number of setting combinations that generate very similar map types. Setting the water to the highest allowed level for instance will always generate a map dominated by water. So if you want a random water map it would be convenient to be able to do what op has suggested.

    Loading a saved map and generating a new seed will certainly do the same thing, but it's a convoluted approach if all you want is a random map each game with some basic parameters already set. Adding the planet editing sliders to the Generate New planet option when starting a new game would be another option.
  7. vorell255

    vorell255 Active Member

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    Re: Planet Editor, System Editor, exact saves and template s

    Yes. I wasn't saying it wasn't possible but rather it would be nice to be able to do it conveniently from the other screen.

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