Planet crashing bug?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by terranfoe, October 1, 2013.

  1. terranfoe

    terranfoe New Member

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    Hey everybody,

    I have played a few games with only AI to find out the planet crashing feature( BTW AWESOME! ;) ), but I cant seem to crash any moon/planet (diameter <= 280) orbiting around the sun into another moon/planet orbiting around the sun. I am able to crash a moon/planet orbiting around a planet though.

    Let me put it more clearly:
    -There is 3 planets : A)1 moon orbiting the sun, B)1 planet orbiting the sun and C)1 moon orbiting the planet
    -I can crash C into B, but not A into B or C, and not C into A
    (keep in mind that all moons are of diameter <=280 (only require 3 boosters)

    Is this a bug? or is this intended? Anybody else have this problem?

    ** if this post has all ready been answered elsewhere, I am sorry. I tried to find one similar but I could not find one.

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