What do you think about the main Feature of this game (annihilating planets)? How would you like to destroy planets and do you want the awesomness shaked or stired? Famous Planet Destroying Methods: Asteroids:[Confirmed] Seen in the trailer I would give them just 5 of 10 points cause they probably wont destroy the whole planet Red Matter:[Unconfimed] seen in Star Trek 8 of 10 Points because the resulting black hole could destroy your whole solar system which is quite awesome Death Star Laser:[Unconfirmed] You have to know it is from Star Wars 10 of 10 points for the Biggest Firework ever made White Matter:[Unconfirmed] Cant remind to have seen it with this purpose White Matter should retoss gravity splintering planets with 7 points Supernukes:[Unconfirmed] Seen in Starship Troopers 3 but hey it is basicallly a nuke Yeah Fusion bombs are sweet but not really extraordinary 4 points
Metal planets are confirmed. They will most likely work like Death Star. In combination with asteroids this is enough for me.