Ping Kicker.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by racquemis, May 9, 2011.

  1. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    Today i have finished AutoKick, a script that will automatically kick all players from the server who have 300 ping or more. The first script i made that uses the webadmin API features.

    I have installed it on "racquemis server #4" and hoped some high pinged player would join so i could see if it really works as intended.

    But so far nobody which sufficient ping joined the server. I could lower the maxping allowed to test it, but that would kick 'innocent' people from the server and i rather not do that

    So if anyone not from europe with a high ping is willing to help me out please connect to the server (unreal:// and let me know if you got kicked. Afterwards open your console (~) and check if there was a message stated you were getting kicked.

    Thanks in advance :)
    Last edited: May 9, 2011
  2. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    Re: Ping Kicker. Need help testing.

    Wow, if this were to catch on I would have even more troubles finding a game.
    Why would you kick a 300-pinger? Let him or her play Support and move on.

    L. Spiro
  3. DelBoy

    DelBoy New Member

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    Re: Ping Kicker. Need help testing.

    Great. Well, I guess that puts the nail in my coffin since all the servers I go to nowadays tend to jump over 300 ping. Add that to the fact that the list of populated servers don't even fill half a page now, and you've outright denied another fraction of MNC's already humbly sized community the ability to play. :roll:

    Not trying to put the piss on the effort, but really, the last thing we need right now are more tools to kick people out of the game.
  4. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    Re: Ping Kicker. Need help testing.

    i set it to 300 since its easy for people to reach.nothing permanent.

    and even if it catches on that wont reduce the population but just spread them out amon other servers. seriously why do people from china join a european server when a US or china one would likely be better. They get like 450 ping. This will just keep the territories seperated.

    i want to do something about this for myself, without having to be around myself.
    there are other servers that are better for them on which they will have low ping.

    people just dont seem to join servers with only 1 or two players in it. that people dont do this is not my problem.
  5. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Re: Ping Kicker. Need help testing.

    why would you do this?
  6. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Re: Ping Kicker. Need help testing.

    It is as if someone created the script equivalent of a virus that cures cancer and released it to the general public only to realize it makes zombies.

    That or an interesting use of scripting that may make MNC servers more customizable.
  7. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Re: Ping Kicker. Need help testing.


    The only problems I have seen were when a sniper had 800 ping and everyone was dieing around walls. Even the 300 pingers cause no problems. This is unnecessary.
  8. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    Re: Ping Kicker. Need help testing.

    i have my own reasons to create this. don't like it? so be it!
    this is build partially motivated by people complaining about high pingers. but mostly: its one script the webadmin api allows to be created.
    I' m building scripts for everything that the webadmin currently allows us to do. This is just one of them. needed or unneeded it's one to cross off the list. Stat Tracking and detailed server info are still on the todo list.

    Also this is not going to be a public script,how can it if it needs a webserver to run. Don't like it? just don't play on my Server #4 which will have the script installed.
    there is nothing to worry about. i just asked for help to test if it worked, nothing more nothing less.

    In the future this may very well be usefull, nothing forbids you to change the maxping to a higher number.

    PS: don't need help anymore, it works. just some small timeouts issues to adres
    Last edited: May 9, 2011
  9. DelBoy

    DelBoy New Member

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    Re: Ping Kicker. Need help testing.

    Holy ****. :lol:

    And thanks for clarifying on that, racquemis. Things just get a little scary around here when someone comes here with a kickstick, when there's not really that many people remaining to kick around. :?
  10. Espiodude2

    Espiodude2 New Member

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    Re: Ping Kicker. Need help testing.

    You act as if playing a game is a privilege or something. It's not a right, it's a freaking luxury. That might sound heartless but really, come on.

    And most people with 300 ping don't play Support, they troll as Sniper or Gunner.
  11. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    Re: Ping Kicker. Need help testing.

    Since I am from Japan, let me answer this for you.

    There are not many players in my country. Waiting on a local server does nothing. I am not going to wait for an hour to get one guy who rage quits immediately.
    Most people dont like to join empty servers.

    So why Euopean when American might be better?
    Because, after sorting by Ping, the first 5-star server with more than 0 players but fewer than 12 players just happened to be in Europe. Maybe there was an American server with a lower ping. Too bad it only allows 3 stars! Too bad it was full!

    Honestly, do you think people choose to play with 450 pings just for the hell of it?
    It is clearly their (our) last resort, and you are sitting here trying to take it away from them (us).

    This script is definitely a disservice to this game. Set it to 800 or something reasonable. 300 is bullocks, especially for Support players.

    Last time I checked, I paid money for this game. I damn well have the right to expect to be able to play it. You are really trying too hard. It is not a luxury, it is a right. You are completely wrong.

    L. Spiro
  12. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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    Re: Ping Kicker. Need help testing.

    It's also unbelieveably frustrating to get airgrappled time after time by the same 300+ ping Assassin because grapples only check circumstances on the instigator's end. Same goes for headshots.

    At some point, high ping ruins everyone else's ability to play the game without those inaccuracies, and so your right to play the game, whatever it may be, begins to conflict with theirs. Majority wins.
  13. racquemis

    racquemis New Member

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    L-spiro, as far as i know the servers that get populated have had people joining a empty server to get it like that.

    You talk about the right to play, but what about the right for server admins to do whatever they like with their servers. if people don't like the servers they just stay away and no harm is done. another server will get populated instead which does not have the script. and you can join that one.

    Fact is admins pay for for the servers, and the players don't have to pay a single penny for it. I setup the server as i like. If i lose players so be it. it's my loss.

    again read earlier posts, this script can not go public at this moment. and i currently only use it on a single server.
  14. Gozuu

    Gozuu New Member

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    I love this, big thumbs up.

    Get decent internet people and stop playing cross-atlantic servers, it's annoying for everyone and if this isn't annoying for you, something is insanely wrong.
  15. L-Spiro

    L-Spiro New Member

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    I host 3 servers (Australia, America, and Europe), to none of which I myself can ping well, but selflessly let others enjoy.

    And I have 100 mbits up and down home.

    You want to talk to me about admin rights? Better connections? Community contributions? Paying money for servers?

    You can do whatever the hell you like with your servers.
    Its funny because Uber Entertainment actually gives everyone the right to run servers in such a way that nobody is either willing or able to play, until their game life is simply over.

    Not saying that is happening, nor that you alone could make that happen.

    Just wondering why you would care to mention how free we are with our servers.
    Yes, we can run the game into the ground.
    Or help it grow.

    People whining about air grapples? Tell it to Uber Entertainment.
    Why should my 300-ping Support suffer for something it never does?

    If you are trying to address the problem of air-grapples, then address the problem of air-grapples. Dont kick everyone for something only one class does.
    Ping goes over 300 AND the player is an Assassin? Kick!
    It makes sense!

    I wouldnt even put up (earthquake is shaking my room badly now so I will try to finish quickly) a word of protest if you had done something that makes sense or otherwise addressed the actual issue that people dislike.

    When my ping goes up to 300, I play Support, nobody whines, and I have a good time even if he is my weakest class.
    Oh but not everybody does that so we have to kick you, regardless of the fact that there are no other games closer to you and that it takes an entire episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles before anyone will join an empty server with you. But thanks for the servers you provide me in my region!

    See why I might not be so happy about your little toy?
    If you are going to make it, make it right.

    L. Spiro
  16. Espiodude2

    Espiodude2 New Member

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    You are an all sacrificing being, we get it already. You are the one who is trying too hard. Playing a game is NOT A RIGHT. Tell me where your right to play a game is stated, please do.

    Oh and before I sound oh so insensitive, I'll say this. I feel bad for you, I really do. Your whole country is torn apart and it really sucks, I acknowledge this. Just stop acting like that makes you count more than anybody else. People who play with 300 ping make the game less than enjoyable for other people, and that is something that Uber can not fix, because it's your problem.
  17. fireuzer

    fireuzer New Member

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    If you buy a burger, do you have the right to eat it?
  18. Espiodude2

    Espiodude2 New Member

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    Yes but wait... hold on... MNC is not a burger. Sorry try again.
  19. fireuzer

    fireuzer New Member

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    If you buy a Gameboy, do you have the right to play it?
  20. Espiodude2

    Espiodude2 New Member

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    *sigh*. I'm going to say this once so you get it. MNC and anything that is not a necessity is what... Oh yes it's a luxury. MNC is a luxury. Games are a luxury. If you don't have the correct things to use a luxury, then well you're not losing anything. It's a luxury, not a right.

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