Physics based damage?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by CrixOMix, March 6, 2013.

  1. CrixOMix

    CrixOMix Member

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    So will projectiles have "mass"? For example, if you shoot a large enough projectile, can it affect anything in a way other than damage? I've heard there will be terrain destruction, will this be influenced by the mass of the projectile as well as the "destructive power" (like warheads that make it go boom)?

    In my ideal world, damage would be a function of both mass/speed (momentum) and anything special about the projectile (explosive warhead? emp warhead? etc. etc.) So that some weapons could be equipped with different kinds of ammo. Maybe a big bertha like cannon which can launch one large shell, or one that splits into 10 smaller shells, which will each do less damage and less terrain damage but you get 10x the coverage. My mind is reminded of MAC cannons from halo, which basically just shoot a hunk of metal really really really fast, so it's explosively devastating simply due to momentum. Heck, we even made one of these in real life (Google "navy railgun").

    I saw someone else post about this, but the idea of "overkill" on units making the physics more epic. I think it should be related to mass. So if you shoot a huge shell into a tiny peewee, it just shatters and pieces fly everywhere.

    What about really really large projectiles smashing into asteroids? Can they affect the orbital course?

    The possibilities for this game are blowing my brain. I feel like we all need to take a course in celestial motion before being allowed to play ^.^

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