So yesterday out of the blue after working just great the night before my Desktop won't boot up. It gets to the ASUS Splash Screen and just locks up, can't even get to BIOS using the key listed on the splash screen. Did a little digging and got around to unplugging my boot drive which is an SSD, then it gets past the splash screen only to ask me to select a boot device/drive. EDIT: I can also get to BIOS once I unplug the SSD. Fair assumption that my SSD had a heart attack and is basically useless now? Mike
It could be the Mobo or RAM or power supply too. Best suggestion I can think of is to try removing / replacing parts until you figure out which one it is that's causing you grief.
I don't think it's one of those, something I forgot to mention is that once I unplug the SSD I can get into BIOS, not that there is much to do without the boot drive of course. Given that without the SSD everything seems to be working as much as expected I'm lead to doubt it'd be a MoBo or PSU issue. Mike
Best thing I can think to do is make a liveCD, boot from that, then plug in your SSD to see if you can recover some data. Then reformat.
Thanks, I'll take a look at that tomorrow, in the mean time I've picked up a new SSD so I can "joyfully" spend tomorrow looking at progress bars.....or playing Splatoon inbetween installs. Mike
Certainly seems as if the SSD is dead. Does the board POST at ALL? One thing to try is to change your SATA settings in the BIOS/reset the BIOS to see if something weird happened. If your system hangs when you try to access the drive it's likely that the drive is dead and it may not be possible to recover data.
As long as the SSD was plugged in I couldn't get to BIOS to change anything. I've just gotten things back up and running with a new SSD but still lots of re-installing/updating yet to be done. At least with Chrome all my favorites and browser settings were kept! xD Also more Splatoon, this game is just too fun so far. Mike
After you got the new drive up an running you tried plugging the not-working one as a secondary drive right? How'd that go?
I haven't done that yet, I have all of my actual Data on separate hard drives so I didn't suffer from any real "data loss" so my priority over the weekend is to get everything re-installed and such before I go back to see about salvaging the old drive! xD Mike
Ugh, the trials never seem to end, my second monitor has been giving me a headache! For some reason on my Radeon HD 6870 with 2 TVs plugged in with the same type of cable using a DVI connector at the PC end and HDMI at the TV end one is fine while the other is blurry. It's not Overscan, the Resolution is correct and it displays across the entire monitor but it's still blurry. The only hint I have to do on is the fact that the Main TV says it's connection is DVI while the other says nothing(thus assuming HDMI?) and that in CCC in the 'Desktop management' tab/screen the the Main is shown as a Monitor while the other is shown as a TV. Also that it's a specific DVI port on the Graphics card that resulting in the blurry screen, if I swap the plugs around the screen that is messed up switches too. I feel like this is a problem I had when I first set these up but it's one of those things you fix once and then by the time it comes up again you've completely forgotten how you did it the first time..... Mike