I really enjoy playing this game on my pc with my xbox 360 controller because of its convinience and because I play like a champ with my controller but there are a few things that bug me about mnc's interface with this controller. The game CLEARLY supports this controller to play with as it is in the game's controls page itself. The thing that bugs me is that I cannot sit back away from my monitor to play the game because it still requires a mouse in most of the menus. I cannot scroll through or really do anything in the multiplayer server menu with the controller, I have to do it with my mouse. Also, which I think is the worst part of all, I cant even select my character with my controller because as soon as I select the class, it just jumps back up to the top of the selections screen and there is no way that I can start the game without getting up and selecting my class with the mouse. Another thing, when I have a controller plugged in, the mouse cursor can interfere with scrolling through the main menu, is there a way to remove the cursor while the controller is turned on? Thanks for listening and I hope you consider fixing these problems in a near future update. Your loyal costumer, Dean