I'm new to this game, but not to TA/SupCom. When heard about PA and read about who's developing this game I immediately dropped what little cash I had on this game! \o/ So the issue I've had was the streaming arrows that link waypoints when commanding units a string of commands/build orders. After messing with my graphics settings these "ribbons" (no idea what you call them) vanish. Normally they appear when holding shift but after playing with graphical settings they went away and I couldn't get them back. I had to uninstall and re-install the game clean to get them to appear again, and will avoid messing with graphics settings so they don't go away.
The arrows showing the order of moves? They should be default. They might go away after hitting space bar, try hitting it again. One could "verify files" and clear the config to reset the settings if it may help. From what I understand the arrows "always showing" option in the options menu is no longer exactly that, so I guess don't use that. As far as how they look, if they were scaled down to half size with same animation speed and such they would be fine, and another thing I notice is that they seem fairly noticeably high off the surface of the ground, maybe lower it very slightly (don't wan't it clipping in the ground), and if ground clipping wasn't an issue it would be great by some magic miracle if the arrowpath ran along the ground itself.