PayPal payment

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by pid, October 4, 2012.

  1. pid

    pid New Member

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    I paid 20 september 2012 and opened a support ticket to get feedback, but up to today there was none.
    How can I be sure they're keeping me in the loop (newsletter, email and whatever)?
    I have all the data to show the paypal payment is legit but I feel like on the "outside" because it's not on my Kickstarter profile and I had absolutely no "official" comment or anything.

    May I ask the forum staff to sollicit somehow an answer? The ticket's e-mail is the same I used on the forums. I can also deliver the ticket's ID if necessary. Contact me via e-mail if more info is required.
  2. infinitycanvas

    infinitycanvas Well-Known Member

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    We're still waiting for the rewards page to be completed. Wait till that's out before worrying that you've been forgotten.

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