[PAX & PA] Optimal Times?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Proxus, August 29, 2012.

  1. Proxus

    Proxus Member

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    First, I'd just like to say grats again on hitting the funding milestone on Kickstarter!

    Now onto more important stuff.

    Is there an ideal time to hit the UberEnt booth during pax to maybe corner a Dev and discuss PA? I know in the past you guys have kinda just floated around a bit but unfortunately(thankfully?) there is just so much going on at PAX I don't wanna linger around the booth all day just for this great opportunity. That and I don't wanna feel like a stalker >_>;

    If this was asked/answered already, I apologize, my forum search-fu was pulling up 66 pages of results on stuff like PAX + Planetary Annihilation
  2. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    I really think they should just avoid PAX, honestly they can just realease some newer informations and that's it, I really think that it's just more money wasted just to present a build wich isn't even finalized, that means that they'd have to rush it too a bit to make it acceptable wich doesn't sound too good.

    Now I don't know, it's just what I tought about it. They have the internet to spread news easily and for free. Plus tons of community boards, pc websites, etc.
  3. Proxus

    Proxus Member

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    Not 100% positive, but aren't they already going to PAX to promote SMNC and hold tourneys and stuff? I don't think anyone expects them to be going JUST for PA. Especially since the planning and booth reservations would have had to have taken place long before the kickstarter even began.
  4. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    I don't really know what beneficial effect it has. It just doesn't seem needed to me.
  5. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Since we don't have a booth at PAX it's pointless.

    I am planning to be walking around the show on Saturday if I can scare up a pass.
  6. Proxus

    Proxus Member

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    Aww that's unfortunate. That would also be why the forum searches are not bringing up any valid results haha.

    Thanks for the heads up! I will just have to try and hunt you guys down on the expo floor :p
  7. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    Just curious but other than making more publicity for the game what other use does PAX has? Exclusive stuff and users are a bit more hyped?

    Never been to the SMNC Pax sadly, I live too far away. :(
  8. Proxus

    Proxus Member

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    In general PAX or PAX East can be really good advertising tools for companies. It allows them to showcase their current and/or upcoming projects to a community of mostly gamers (rather than business executives) and get live feedback. Some companies (such as UberEnt) also take the time to sell merchandise at the expo floor and run small tournaments for the visitors to participate in for cool prices like MNC T-Shirts or posters.

    Now, as to whether or not the cost is justified, I can't really say but if it wasn't I don't think any company would come to the expo hall at all.
  9. knickles

    knickles Well-Known Member

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    Get off my board, pony
  10. Proxus

    Proxus Member

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    You going to PAX? hrmmmmmm?
  11. knickles

    knickles Well-Known Member

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    Not this year. Maybe next year when UBER has a booth.

    You living in cali?
  12. Proxus

    Proxus Member

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    Yes, it is most unfortunate that UBER does not have a booth this year :( I am Disappoint.

    Yes, I moved back to CA for work and other reasons. Rather than continue this personal conversation here though I will just harass you on Steam when I get home from work.

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