Patch Revert

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by DehydratedWater, April 4, 2011.

  1. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    I wish they would revert the game back to the patch before the armor nerf, keep all the new content, and just nerf assault bomb damage on the moneyball.

    That's when the game was the most fun, and it is starting to lose it's appeal to me.
  2. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Honestly I just want them to revert the patch that they just released, at least until the MAJOR bug with the bouncers and with the assault's level 3 charge vs bots are fixed. Its in excusable to have the assault get nerfed as hard as he was AND have a MAJOR bug like the inability for his grapple to 1hit even blackjacks to slip through.
  3. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    The armor nerf took the fun out of playing Assassin for me. Support was hit pretty bad too imo. It's not so much the armor reduction, it's that there are a lot more heavies on the playing field. Neither Assassin nor Support can really perform well if there are three or even four heavy classes on the other team. I can play Tank or Gunner myself but I got used to the faster gameplay with the Assassin and I miss it. I can't comment on the Assault as I haven't played him recently.
  4. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    to be honest as someone who played a lot of assault, the armor nerf wasn't that huge, yes its a nerf, but its not some massive hit like most people are making it out to be, im fine with the bomb changes, if the charge was a little bit faster i would be happy but im not complaining about it.
  5. Gozuu

    Gozuu New Member

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    Agreed, people who complain of the armor nerf perhaps should choose another class to play, I don't see a huge difference between pre-patch and now. It's harder, sure. We have endorsements to make up for it.
  6. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Armor nerf didn't hit the assassin very hard. At least I don't notice it. If I die it's because I made a dumb decision and that's it.

    The only thing that annoys me is that there seem to be more heavies now, which is fine because I can play other classes but it's weird.

    But yeah, they just had to nerf the assault money ball damage. That was the only thing that was actually broken. And maybe reduce the radius of bomb 3 or the knockback.
  7. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i loved playing gunner when no one did, i stood out like a sore thumb back then, i guess i still do as one of the few decent gunners that play in Australia
  8. Coverop

    Coverop New Member

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    Well I agree It's a bit nerf.
    I don't use any kind of Armor as a "perk" to beat an another assault , assassin (yes , mine or grapple out of the map) , support or Gunner.... but not tank.

    Yes I heard that you could survive more often than right now , but still It isn't a HUGE change.

    And yes. You can't survive from Tank spam attack (Rush + Spin) and sometimes from Assassin (Lunge + Grab).
  9. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    I always ran gold armor in the sin before the armor nerf patch. Now I run gold RoF. Armor was ridiculous on the assassin before the nerf, now Rof is a worthwhile investment. I would have more health pre-nerf still, but so would my opponents. I run RoF/Armor/Crits now.

    I like the way the balance is now with the exception of the charge speeds. The tank should be slower than the assault when it comes to charges. I would suggest then the tank charge speed be nerfed, and both charge durations(time spent charging) be buffed to be make up for the mobility loss both would have taken from the speed nerfs. From what I understand the assault charge speed caused some bugs, and we don't want those, but he should still be more mobile than the tank.

    I play more tank than assault before anyone tells me to stop whining about the assault nerfs.

    Serverside control of balance points would fix all(well, most of) the balance whining on the boards. It's on of the main reasons I want mod support so badly. Well, that and churro Dagger/bacon Katana.

    Edit: Wow. I said nerf so many times it's making my eyes bleed.
  10. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Heh, Inglorious is griping on the Steam forums that Silver armor on the Sin doesn't work anymore and didn't even bother to read patch notes beyond the 3/25 update
  11. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I'm supporting this idea 110%. No cardboard tube can stand up to a bacon katana!
  12. d-roy

    d-roy Active Member

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    Armor endorsements are for bad players. Just sayin' B-)
  13. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    I agree by Dehydrated Waters statement. MNC is not fun anymore since a lot of the diversity has been taken out of the medium and light classes. I do agree with the body shot nerf with snipers and think it should be furthered. Also the assault bomb on the moneyball was cheap.

    Otherwise, the changes made were uncalled for and only to appease new players. Maybe instead of listening to whiny players unwilling to learn the game, we should listen to the dedicated crowd that loved the game. I personally had plans for a full fledged tournament with approximately 10K in prizes starting to get lined up. I scraped it because there is only really one way to win a round now in a professional setting.

    Did you know that MNC is being played LESS than Battlefield 2. A game released on June of 2005 and ruined 3 months later by crappier and crappier net coded patches. Yet people feel that it's more fun than MNC is in it's current state. I know I haven't played MNC since the 5 matches prior to the last patch nor do I want to.
  14. Z-UNIT

    Z-UNIT Active Member

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    im fairly certain that more people have played battlefield 2 than there are people that know MNC exists
  15. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    I meant at that current time on the steam network. there were slightly more people playing Battlefield 2, an outdated broken game, than MNC.
  16. TNine

    TNine New Member

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    His point still stands. Plenty of people play Battleifeilds, they have good ads, yada yada. I know i only played MNC because i saw the free weekend.

    Popularity has nothing to do with game quality.
  17. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    It is something of an embarrassment but if there should be some advertisement next patch with the newest bug fixes the problem should be adverted.
    Last edited: April 15, 2011
  18. Z-UNIT

    Z-UNIT Active Member

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    what i am saying is that without promotion via advertising, word of mouth etc it is unlikely that the player base is going to grow simply because no one knows the game even exists
  19. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    The thing I really Really hate about online games is how they change over time. I would love to have a revert to just as the game released.
  20. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i miss the good old gunner sniping :(

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