Patch Ideas

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Ketchy, August 12, 2010.

  1. Ketchy

    Ketchy New Member

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    So yesterday when the game was released, my friends and I played for a considerable amount of time. I am about level 30, and have noticed that although the game is at first glance balanced, after delving hours deep into it there definitely are things that need to be changed.

    -Although Gunner is suppose to be the most offensive capable class, he is definitely over powered. My ideas for possible nerfs are either lower the gunner's overall range or lower his overall damage.
    -Snipers need alterations also. The sniper's ice traps should not completely immobilize enemies. Far too many times have I seen snipers camp on their side with ice traps on both sides of him. When this happens, I usually attempt to go assassin and grapple kill the sniper but the ice traps are almost impossible to avoid. Some possible fixes are to either make the ice traps only limit mobility, similar to the shavice turrets but stronger, or to make it so when an assassin is cloaked they don't set off traps.
    -Support gains way too much juice for healing. I also feel like the Support's firebase should deploy quicker. The Support's Airstrike is slightly overpowered. Even if you do stick someone with the beacon it shouldn't always be a one hit. Granted it should do considerable damage but so many times have I seen a deployed fully upgraded Gunner with two Supports healing him only to have him easily killed by one airstrike.
    -Assassins. Some people love em, some people despise them. I feel like the assassin's grapple needs a few fixes. Here's the deal. A grapple from the back should insta-kill all classes except Tanks and Gunners. A frontal grapple should only insta-kill less armored classes such as other assassins and snipers. On any other classes, a frontal grapple should never one hit, unless the class is already very damaged.

    Other fixes I think is that there should be is a limit of 2 per each type of class for a team. That way you won't need to deal with a team with too many assassins.

    On a side note I think that a gametype that allows only one of each class would be really fun, more teamwork.

    Well that's it for now, when a problem arises I'll be sure to address it within this thread.
  2. broncoburns

    broncoburns New Member

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    I personally don't think Gunner's are OP. I haven't had much trouble with them. I think it all comes down to the specific situation and each player's skill.

    The Sniper's trap only completely freeze you at level 3. The previous levels just slow you down like a ShaveIce turret. Not picking up cloaked Assassin's would kind of defeat the purpose of the traps. I think they should change it so that people can shoot the Assault's grenade and Sniper's traps and set them once they're on the ground.

    I think a direct Air Strike should be a one hit kill, but the splash damage radius should be reduced.

    The assassin has very little health. If you let them get within range and you're a lightly armored class, a front grapple with the sword should be a one-hit-kill.

    Just my thoughts....
  3. Flame6666

    Flame6666 New Member

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    i think lowering damage is a good thing to do. there was 1 time when i was the tank with gold armor endorsement and a gunner killed me in 3 sec's

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