I think it'd be wise if MNC's lobby tried to match Parties up in some fashion (or at least prioritized when its reasonable to do so..e.g. there are other parties online at the same time and in another starting lobby), so that large Parties vs. non-Partied-pubs didn't happen as often. Should probably use a threshold of 4 (maybe 3) or more players in a party, because 2 is obviously very normal/regular so it could be ignored altogether. Maybe it even does this already, but it doesn't appear that way. People like to assume that the game consists of competetive players and play-for-fun players.. but a big part of the reality is that you have many groups of people who always play in parties and then those that don't do so on a regular basis, or even wish to. I'm about 50/50, so im trying to view this from both angles. When im playing without a party, theres nothing worse than joining a game and seeing a party of 4 or 5 knowns on the opposite team while you get lumped in with a bunch of day to day randoms, those games are usually over in a minute or two (and your k/d is going to suffer because you have to risk more/stick your neck out to carry your random team while the other team is an organized nightmare and mowing everything over). I think something like this would do alot in reducing some complaining and help out in regards to team balancing without splitting a party up. Do many other games even do this (pretty sure GoW2 does)? Never really thought about it.. anyways this is just a random thought and maybe a bad one... I don't really put any weight behind it, but maybe its something to think about?
I think it's a great idea. Pros: Better matches for everyone. Groups of randoms that don't know what teamwork is won't have to face groups of competent players! Cons: Well, if you're a fan of stacking a team and winning without trying this obviously isn't for you :twisted:
i think you should be able to make a team. at the same time, i think the game should split the best players from a match's results into different teams. that way, you could join a game together, and it would split you according to skill after one game. or you could have seperate matchmaking options. make a mercenary server for "lone wolfs" like that one guy said a while back, and have a seperate server keep a partied-team.
I know rank isn't supposed to be an indication of skill but... 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 93 vs 0, 1, 51, 62, 13, 11 is NEVER a fair game. None of us were in a party, so the 6 90s in a party was purely by chance. Several times.
Last night was another good example of this... I was solo'ing alot and at one point I got thrown in a match with a Patch of Blue, Hudson, and 2 other ppl that I'm spacing on (OXD/gunner)?... anyways, it was all 99s teamed up. For about half the games, it was lumping me (99) in on their team as well while the other teams were 0's-70's. By the time everyone started rage quitting and not looking for new games, it started putting me on the non party teams.. I stayed in the games in a failed attempt to help my team of 3 mostly because I thought it'd be kinda lame to just take-off after I was on the way over trumped team for the previous 3 games... but it was just ridiculous. I did have a few lol moments though in a couple quick 1v1s since everything else was futile.. one time (think it was hudson), we both thought we were bein slick and had our backs to a corner wall only to pop out @ each other at the exact same time.. I about crapped my pants laughin as I got rolled over by a charge.