After first buying the game, I booted it up and it wouldn't run because of this parsley error. So, I spotted somewhere that there was an issue with V-Sync. I use Lucid VirtuMVP. This program has a Virtual Vsync option. As soon as I disabled this.. it worked fine. You can leave HyperFormance on.. it seems to help. Anyway, this fixed my error. Perhaps if you have all the correct drivers, etc, you might look into the way vsync is configured on your system, if you are having issues with the Parsley Error.
Hello 1nv1ctus, my name is John and I am part of the Coherent Labs team. PA uses Coherent UI, which has an out-of-process architecture and the issue may be that it is running on a different GPU. You can use the Lucid managing software to assign the Coherent process to the same GPU PA is running on. You can also send me the logs, they are located in "C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\log".