PA won't open

Discussion in 'Support!' started by obblivion, March 28, 2014.

  1. obblivion

    obblivion New Member

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    About three days ago PA just stopped opening for me, i click 'Play' in steam and nothing happens. as far as i can tell the game doesn't even try to open since there is no change to the processes or currently running files on task manager. I've tried opening it through my the application in the steam folder of my program files and using the shortcut on my desktop, both of which seem to be no different from opening it through steam. I've reinstalled PA, which had no effect. I've verified the game cache files, just in case that wasn't done for whatever reason in re downloading, also no effect. the game didn't stop working after a certain update, but just in case i waited until the small update yesterday or the day before to see if that fixed it, it did not. I've also tried reinstalling Java, I've tried both the 64 bit and the 32 bit, just in case.

    the only thing i can think of that may have affected PA was me messing around with my java config around the time this started happening, i just added a website to the list of sites java would trust to open java applications (not a dodgy website so little to no chance of a virus, it was a revision site), and I'm wondering if when i was in there i accidentally did something to make java refuse to play PA. if i did its not something immediately visible like having PA on a black list, so I'm wondering if PA need to be specifically registered in my java config as a file that is permitted to run.

    oh, and just in case its relevant, my computer is 64 bit windows 8, and it should be noted that before PA stopped opening it would run pretty smoothly on my computer so i doubt its down to a hardware issue.
    any advice would be appreciated because I'm all out of ideas.
  2. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Sounds like it could be a mod issue. You can try disable all mods and try again. Alternatively update all mods in Pamm and see if that fixed it.
    obblivion likes this.
  3. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    Just to help narrow down where the problem is coming from, could you try using the Uber launcher instead of steam?
    obblivion likes this.
  4. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Also, I'd like to clear up that PA doesn't use Java. So you fiddling with Java settings will not have any effect on that and couldn't have broken PA.

    There may be clues in the log file. On Windows, PA keeps logs in "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\log". On a typical install %LOCALAPPDATA% will be "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local"
    obblivion likes this.
  5. obblivion

    obblivion New Member

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    I haven't downloaded any mods, but I'll do some checking to see if mods could be the problem.

    I've just downloaded the Uber launcher and that works perfectly. so it would appear to be an exclusively steam problem

    and in the log folder there were 9 text files all identical in every way except for a 2 digit number in the name, with three lines of code, the last one being something about 'steam apps restarting' followed by 'True'.
    Once i downloaded the Uber launcher and launched PA through it; the contents of the folder changed so i can't say for certain what they were.

    cheers for the help so far guys, while it would be nice to be able to use PA through steam again, at least i can actually get on it now

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