PA release build 71544 uberlauncher update crash

Discussion in 'Support!' started by lesterus, September 4, 2014.

  1. lesterus

    lesterus New Member

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    Hi there,

    This is for Windows 7 SP1 x64 and the Kickstarter download.

    Prior to the recent update to Galactic War, I was able to play PA just fine. Now the update has come out I downloaded it and started but it never reaches completion. Always stops at package 145 or 144 or 143 of 148.

    I uninstalled it and told it to make a folder under C:\Program Files(x86)\PlanetaryAnnihilation like other people have been, but it still doesn't work. I don't know what exact install path it requires because when I try to install it, it tries to make a path on my secondary drive by default.

    Both play and verify after trying again do nothing different, and it doesn't make more progress the second time. Always the same spot.

    Attached Files:

  2. lesterus

    lesterus New Member

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    Okay guys,

    After installing again to C:\ but after updating C++ redistributable 2012 and grabbing the DirectX 9.0 June End-User Runtime, the update and decompress seems to have worked. It looks like it may be working again!

    I should have read the FAQ before posting the original post haha.:rolleyes:

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