PA Opens So Many Ports (57248-56907) to Server w/Demo Video

Discussion in 'Support!' started by warrenkc, June 11, 2014.

  1. warrenkc

    warrenkc Active Member

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    Is this normal for a game? 341 ports opened by PA!
    Check out how many ports PA is using.

    Just open up Resource Monitor and click on networking. Then select PA. Look under TCP connections.
    I don't know about programming with TCP but it seems like most programs only need a couple ports opened. Even Chrome with 6 tabs open was using only about a dozen ports.
    This post doesn't mean I am upset or anything, just curious as to what is going on. I know I always have to close the game after I play one match or else I cannot connect to server. I wonder if it is because of all the used ports.

    Last edited: June 11, 2014
    SXX likes this.
  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Looks interesting. Consider that PA likely using 443 only for connection to UberNet it's looks like there something wrong with how Uber use cURL. :)
  3. warrenkc

    warrenkc Active Member

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    Yes, they all say the remote port is 443. Local port is: of course the ones I mentioned.
  4. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    A large of TLS connection get made when logging in. I think it's Jabber because when I disabled passing authentication to UberBar, I didn't see the large number of connections on login.
    warrenkc likes this.

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