Is this normal for a game? 341 ports opened by PA! Check out how many ports PA is using. Just open up Resource Monitor and click on networking. Then select PA. Look under TCP connections. I don't know about programming with TCP but it seems like most programs only need a couple ports opened. Even Chrome with 6 tabs open was using only about a dozen ports. This post doesn't mean I am upset or anything, just curious as to what is going on. I know I always have to close the game after I play one match or else I cannot connect to server. I wonder if it is because of all the used ports.
Looks interesting. Consider that PA likely using 443 only for connection to UberNet it's looks like there something wrong with how Uber use cURL.
A large of TLS connection get made when logging in. I think it's Jabber because when I disabled passing authentication to UberBar, I didn't see the large number of connections on login.