Last night me and my friends wanted to play a 3v3v3 so we started a game and over the course of a hour people left and joined and i have seen this happen in multiple other games because for some reason some people cant wait for other people to join and it is a real problem i don't know how we will fix it but it is a big problem that is happening a lot. for me it takes 30 min just to get into a game because of this problem i just felt like it needed to be pointed out.
Seems it actually load s to green or yellow now before throwing you in the game lobby. We'll just have to deal until people learn that or its patched.
how many planets do you have in your systems typically? since the explosions of players recently many games seem to have 9 planets and max players. if you put more than 4 or 5 planets in game I always leave as in its current state it will become a lag-fest pretty quick.
IMO, most people are playing with way too many planets currently. For engaging gameplay, I think you want something like (number of players) = 2^(number of full-size planets). So if you have 4 players, you'd have 2 planets, and with 8 players, 3 planets. You can add some small movable moons (radius<300), but I wouldn't have more than 1 per planet. That way you have 1 KEW per planet to avoid planet turtling. Add too many and it becomes a game of hide-and-seek. Anything more than this and you end up with extended sieges and long drawn out gameplay, which can take upwards of 1 and a half to 3 hours. There's also a high potential for lag b/c of all the auto-patrol air unit spam on planets owned by only 1 player. Of course you can play with however many planets you want, but the above suggestions are for keeping games under 1 hour and to reduce lag. Edit: My suggestion doesn't sound like a lot, but keep in mind the idea is to promote conflict over territory. If everybody can claim a planet for themselves then there is no reason for conflict and the game takes forever.
Just as Krakanu said, just look at the livestream games you'll see the devs are only playing with a single planet most of the time with 1 or two moons, there is a reason why they dont play with huge amounts of planets right now
Agreed. If you want people to stay then no more then 3 planets (with atleast one that you can smash) and a max scale of 3. Anything above that normaly means longer games that stagnate and people running into performance problems.
Performance actually seems pretty bad in this patch, perhaps because of the cheaper unit spamming. Also the size of your planets matter quite a lot. Lots of people seem to like playing on gigantic planets >1100 which severely impacts your FPS from the very beginning of the game.
I found that at the moment, being Orbital Wars so undeveloped yet, the most fun games are located on one single planet with two or three (movable) moons. Going elsewhere up than that it's just asking for lagging and game stalling. My 2 cents. Beside, the Beta Build: 59607 apparently brings some performance issues. I'm having trouble with just 2 AI on a medium size planet. The game simply freezes after few minutes of intense gameplay.