when i'm playing the single player campaign, i get to a point where i can't continue. Its either when its a faction leader, but more recently its a single planet. I have all the settings lowered so that it reduces any overhead but i cant continue. I've even rebooted in offline mode to no alas. I have it on steam, if that matters...but i really enjoy what i've played so far!
Your freezing is the result of having a 32-bit OS: Code: Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.140303-2144) Memory: 4096MB RAM Available OS Memory: 3570MB RAM You also have out-of-date graphics drivers: Code: Card name: AMD Radeon HD 6570 Driver Version: Driver Date/Size: 12/6/2013 18:00:42, 1100216 bytes My advice is that you should upgrade your OS to 64-bit especially if you want to play in offline mode, as offline mode requires a 64-bit OS. Also, here is the link to the newest set of AMD drivers: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Windows 7 - 32
The game is not properly registering if during offline play the server.exe crashed/failed to start. Another thing that can prevent the server from working is having bluetooth on the same computer. See this thread, point 6: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/know-issues.65155/ Also with only 4 GiB you are not really fullfilling the requirments for offline play anyway.