Quick Orbital/Ground Select - selecting orbital or ground will ghost out the other to make selections easier. World Eater - game mode or final game boss or alternative Annihilator Planet with a Unicron like planet eater on timer that slowly enters galaxy and consumes planets unless destroyed. Orbital Defense Shield - deflects Annihilator Planet blasts around the planet - possibly shield is dotted or damaged and must be repaired upon successful deflections - deflects Rail Gun attacks - dots orbital units Defense Matrix Options - select from options for: Umbrella Matrix, Anti-Nuke Matrix, Anchor Matrix - shows protection coverage quickly - assign builder units to selected defense option automatically when built More anti-orbital units Warp Gates or FTL option for orbital more orbital to ground attack units - up dmg and cost of laser platforms to balance Capital Ships and Super Ground units Space Stations - movable super orbital unit with defensive & offensive capabilities - multi queue unit building options Bigger Drop ships Rail gun - used to lessen impact crater from celestial bodies - used as offensive weapon option alternative to nukes (can be deflected by Shield Matrices) - might be upgrade option for unit cannon Planet deformation upon successful nukes, commander or super unit explosions, celestial impacts, meteor showers and rail guns blasts Additional: Battle Moons like mini Annihilator planets for taking out deep space units - can be built or found Asteroid belts in planetary orbit or deep space that dot or dmg units that pass through them Meteor Showers Shield Generators for areas of base or units Simple Upgrade options Load out options for Versus battles Air units can use gateways Deep Space Battles orbital mine fields deep space mine fields
Im not sure what you mean by defense matrix. If you are talking about seeing the ranges they cover you can select one of them, press ctrl z, then hold ctrl. There is a mod for the first one https://forums.uberent.com/threads/rel-strategic-filters-2-0-0.67954/
no shields no many orbital units no many superunits .. i have no interest in the game becoming all about superunits lategame ... or all about orbital combat ... and the annihilazor is a gameender ... it should stay that way .. yes to orbital gates, yes to better transportation options