"PA.exe has stopped working"

Discussion in 'Support!' started by samtuke, September 9, 2014.

  1. samtuke

    samtuke New Member

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    Yes, yet another.

    dxdiag attached. Gfx and Audio drivers updated. Memory switch enabled.

    I can navigate game menus but loading any game (single player or galactic war) crashes after loading screen. I've never seen an actual game map - always crashes before game loads.

    Additional info from Windows crash reporter:
      A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.
    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name:    AppHangB1
      Application Name:    PA.exe
      Application Version:
      Application Timestamp:    5409366c
      Hang Signature:    16ed
      Hang Type:    0
      OS Version:    6.1.7601.
      Locale ID:    2057
      Additional Hang Signature 1:    16ed240e619174fa3ecf61d26602179f
      Additional Hang Signature 2:    45ae
      Additional Hang Signature 3:    45ae4ba6a0c0ed642eb873a3ff410cff
      Additional Hang Signature 4:    16ed
      Additional Hang Signature 5:    16ed240e619174fa3ecf61d26602179f
      Additional Hang Signature 6:    45ae
      Additional Hang Signature 7:    45ae4ba6a0c0ed642eb873a3ff410cff
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    Thanks for your help.

    Irrelevant aside:

    If all these errors are due to Windows and DirectX, why on earth are game devs using it as target platform? The only reason I've used Windows in recent years is for games. So why force gamers to use a platform that's bad for developers and bad for gamers? I despair. Just want to play this game :(

    Attached Files:

  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    If you talking about /3GB switch it's not some magic pill, it's only allow to increase memory usage of one process up to ~3GB

    32-bit OS still limited to use only 4GB in total and in your case it's even less:
       Operating System: Windows 7 Enterprise 32-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.140303-2144)
                 Memory: 8192MB RAM
    Available OS Memory: 3034MB RAM
    So your PC have 8GB, but OS can only use 3GB. As result game only getting about 2.5GB and this is why it's crash.
    So you have to upgrade to 64-bit.
  3. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Not sure what are you talking about. PA have Linux and Mac versions and it's not using DirectX, but SDL2 and OpenGL on all platforms. Coherent UI it's 3rd-party component that depend on DirectX, but only on Windows.

    So basically you'll get exactly same performance on Linux as long as you using Nvidia GPU because AMD proprietary drivers are broken and they still didn't invest enough money into open source driver.
  4. kjotak109

    kjotak109 Well-Known Member

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    As @SXX said, you have a 32bit OS and PA will not play efficiently on it. You will need to upgrade to a 64bit OS to use up all of that RAM.

    Also, you have outdated drivers:
    Card name: AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series
    Driver Version:
    Driver Date/Size: 4/18/2014 04:42:52, 1117184 bytes
    Here is the link to the AMD drivers for the 32bit version:
    http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Windows 7 - 32

    And the 64bit version is available once you upgrade your OS to 64bit:
    http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Windows 7 - 64

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