Yet another one of these threads, sorry. I have followed all the instructions from the other threads. Running a new laptop with Intel 4600 graphics and a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770M (not shown in dxdiag, but is used by pa.exe, according to the Optimus GPU State Viewer). The Intel drivers have been updated using the manual from-zip method to the Jan 22nd update. The GeForce has been updated to 334.89 drivers. All Windows (8.1) updates have been applied, Firewall disabled for testing, and full reinstall after all updates applied. Still the same error. Any suggestions?
Can you please share some details on what you mean as "reinstalled dx9c"? Do you just get installer and run it once? Which installer you used, link please? There is one pretty bad crash and I want to understand why it's happen so this will be really useful information.