Whenever I am trying to play the game will end up crashing enventually. It happens completely random, and there doesn't seem to be any specific pattern. Crashing occurs in the menu, a few minutes into a match, an hour into a match, and sometimes not until I am playing another match. Also, my nvidia drivers are up to date so that shouldn't be the problem. I have waited over a week for a reply on the steam forums, so hopefully someone can help here! I have my dxdiag file, but I am not allowed to post a link or attach it to this post.. Thanks *Edit* It turns out that if I unplug my headphones it no longer crashes. I'm not sure if there is a fix for this, and if anyone knows anything about this problem please tell me.
You need to make a certain number of posts (10 I think?) before you can post links, have an image signature, etc.
I thought it was 5? Not sure either, but that is just for links as far as I know. The "Upload a File" button should work, no? Between "Post Reply" and "More Options..."?
Hmm it uploaded now. When I was trying to post I got an error message when I tried to attach the file.
Hello, Maybe this is the problem? Code: Description: Headset Earphone (USB Audio Device) Try unplugging the headset and see if the game works without it. If I recall correctly, PA doesn't like certain headsets for some particular reason...Also, please check out this list of 3rd party software: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/558751813508748383/ P.S. Do you have any Bluetooth software?
As it's turn's out before most often reasons of random crashes on Windows it's small or disabled page file / virtual memory so worth start from trying to increase it's initial size to 12+GB: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/change-virtual-memory-size#1TC=windows-7 Also make sure all hard drivers have reasonable size of page file (like 1GB+) or disable it's completely because very small page file also cause weird behaviours when game using all free RAM. Actually there was (probably still there) problem with particular headset: PA#3738 Though it's does affect more than one hardware model, but not 100% of headsets and likely only wireless one.
I think its safe to say that it is a problem with the headset. After uplugging the headset I played 3 matches and it didn't crash once! I'll just stick to using speakers or one of my old headsets when I play PA. Also, I realised that the seperate hard drive PA is installed on didn't have any virtual ram. So I changed both drives to have 12gb of virtual ram; although, I'm not sure if adding vram to another drive will change anything (I don't know much about it). Anyways, thank you for all of the help!