So, when downloading the PTE: 67099-main build, around 637Mb in, it crashes. When I click on the launcher to bring it up, it shows instead 537Mb, even though just a moment before I saw it at 633Mb. I have tried multiple times to verify, and it keeps happening at nearly the exact same spot, reverting my download back to 307Mb out of 747Mb. Attatched is my DxDiag.txt I believe that all my drivers should be up to date, however there may be a driver (I'm not sure if my video will stay up to date) that is either getting rolled back or is, I'm having memory read errors and crashes on shutdown that i'm currently troubleshooting. Thanks for the help, I'm interested in the new balance stuffs!
Hate to suggest it, but tried clearing the PTE folder, delete it entirely, just redownload from start? If it does it again... idk, search recent gamma bugs posts here for a "Go" launcher. That might work if the basic launcher doesn't.
Uh, well... I tried it again just to see, and remember I tried a few times before I started this, but it worked? The only difference was I wasn't on Chrome, and i was on Minecraft. Not sure, but I suppose you can disregard this thread unless somebody else has the same issue.